Chapter 1795

Chapter 1817

He felt himself being sucked into the dragon's mouth by a very long and very smelly tongue, and a ball of mucus stuck his mouth and nose, making him unable to even breathe. At that time, he even tasted the taste of death Desperation, it turned out that everyone who was eaten by the cold flood had experienced such darkness and pain.

He was obviously eaten by the cold dragon, but why is he still alive now?

Wan Kun sat up suddenly, only to find that Yun Tian was lying under his bed, his face was as pale as paper, and his breathing was weak.

He hurriedly got out of bed and helped Yun Tian to check.

His pulse was weak and strange, very similar to Wen'er's pulse. He had checked Yun Tian's pulse before, knowing that his pulse was different from ordinary people, so he was not too surprised.

Is Yuntian's current appearance because of his fierce fight with Han Jiao, or because of saving him?

He raised his head and looked at Mo Cong who was on the other bed. Mo Cong hadn't woken up yet, it seemed that he didn't know what happened last night at all.

Putting Yun Tian to bed, just as he was about to change him into dry clothes, he found that the white underwear that Yun Tian was wearing next to his body had frozen to the touch, making him very cold to the touch.

Wan Kun couldn't help muttering: "What kind of martial arts does this guy practice? He can even freeze clothes into ice."

It took a lot of effort to take off his cold and crisp clothes, put on clean and soft inner clothes, and then cover him with a quilt.

Yuntian's body is different from theirs, no matter how weak or seriously injured, he can heal on his own. Although he is a top doctor, facing Yuntian, he can't help him much.

Wan Kun walked to the door and opened the door that was bolted from the inside. Outside the door there were a bunch of people kneeling, squatting or sitting, all of them were shop assistants. The one closest to the door was the kind-hearted middle-aged shopkeeper.

"What are you doing here?"

As soon as Wan Kun's words came out, those people all backed away in fright, their faces terrified, as if seeing a ghost in daylight.

The shopkeeper yelled: "It's a corpse, sir, it's a corpse!"

Wan was angry and funny: "Do I look like a dead person?"

Seeing that he could still laugh and his face didn't look like a dead person, the big guy gradually calmed down.

The shopkeeper crawled back again, touched the back of Wan Kun's hand with trembling hands, it was hot, it was still hot, the young master last night was cold without temperature, not even breathing, how could he live now?

Wan Kun asked, "What happened? Why do you think I'm dead?"

Only then did the shopkeeper recount what happened last night.

Wan Kun asked in surprise, "So, when I was brought back by Mr. Yun yesterday, I was already dead?"

The shopkeeper nodded: "Last night, I felt the young master's pulse and breath. The young master was indeed dead at that time, and his body was also cold, no different from a dead person. That's why we are here..."

Wan Kun turned his head and looked at Yun Tian who was sleeping in the room: "When Mr. Yun sent me back last night, did he feel strange?"

The shopkeeper thought about it seriously, then shook his head: "There is nothing unusual, just like in the past, Mr. Yun didn't come out after locking the door last night, is he still there?"

Wan Kun nodded: "Yes, he is still there, but now—" Sure enough, he fell into a coma to save himself, how did he do it?He was obviously dead, how did he bring him back to life?

Just like back then, Nianwen used her special ability to pull him back from the cliff of death, but she herself fell into a coma, just like Yuntian now.

Don't they all have the same abilities?

(End of this chapter)

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