Chapter 1796

Chapter 1818

Yes, it must be so, otherwise, how to explain all this?
The pulse conditions of the two of them are also very similar, not only that, the abilities they possess, and even the physique that is not all cold in reading the text now, this is not a coincidence.

Nianwen has such ability, it is because Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen have experienced the ups and downs of life and death, which changed their physiques, their bodies became special, so their children also became special.

What about Yuntian?Why does the mysterious Yuntian possess such special features?
Could it be that his parents had the same experience as Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen?

No matter what it is, we need to wait for Yun Tian to wake up to find out.

I'm really curious, how did he rescue a person who had been swallowed into the belly of the beast?

At noon, Mo Cong and others just woke up.

They had a good night's sleep, and only when they woke up did they realize that so many things had happened.

Wan Kun came back from the dead, but Yun Tian, ​​who was strong enough to single out Han Jiao, fell down. . .

"Master Hou, what should we do now? Shall we go to the ice field?" Mo Cong asked.

Wan Kun shook his head: "We must go, but there is no rush. With the strength of us people, we are not Han Jiao's opponent at all. If we go, we will just die."

"Then let them do evil?" Mo Cong's eyes widened.

Wan Kun shook his head: "Of course not. We must defeat them, but we must first find a suitable method. We cannot blindly compete with brute force. How can we beat them? We have to compete with them in terms of brainpower and wisdom." , find a way to win with one blow, and then make them pay the price."

Mo Cong suddenly realized that Master Hou was right, they are going now, just to die, and the cold dragon not only can land, it can also return to the sea at any time, if they are full, they will return to the sea, they human beings, go to the sea Where to chase?

"Master Hou, what should we do now?" Mo Cong asked urgently.

Wan Kun said: "Go to Shangli City, or even visit the nearby towns and villages, and see if you can find any records about Han Jiao. Han Jiao did not invade each other in the past. Something must have happened, otherwise, with Han Jiao like this With a ferocious temperament, how could he stay obediently at the bottom of the sea and not come out to make trouble."

"So I guess, some ancestors must have defeated the Frost Flood Dragon and gave them a painful blow. That's why they dwell in the bottom of the sea and never dare to invade humans."

Although he didn't know why they started to invade humans again this time.

But if there have been such incidents in the past, they will definitely be recorded. As long as you search carefully, you will be able to find them.

Mo Cong went with his people and asked from door to door, especially the elders, asking every one of them.

After a busy day, they returned to the inn, but everyone was downcast.

"What? Didn't get anything?" Wan Kun saw them like this.

Mo Cong said: "These people are really ignorant. They don't know what to ask. Some old people in the family seem to know something. When they want to speak, they are stopped by the young people in the family. They just don't let them speak."

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "That's because you didn't promise them any benefits. There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. They did this because they saw that you were anxious to know something, and thought they were looking for treasure. How could they easily put themselves What I know is given to you in vain?"

Mo Cong was stunned: "Then what should we do? Do we still need to spend money to buy news?"

Wan Kun said: "If you can get useful news, what does it matter if you spend money?"

(End of this chapter)

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