Chapter 1797

Chapter 1819

Wan Kun thought for a while, and then said: "Well, tomorrow I will ask people to set up sheds in several lively places in the city, and then buy some rice noodles, and exchange stories for food. If the stories are obviously fake, give less, which is of reference value." Yes, give more, I will send someone to find some recorders, let them help record the intentions of these people, and bring them back to me when the time comes."

Mo Cong slapped his thigh and said cheerfully: "This is a good idea. Most of the people living here are poor people. With this method, many people will be able to tell stories. Although there must be many people who fish in troubled waters, as long as they If we can get useful news, then all these sacrifices will be worth it."

Wan Kun smiled and said, "That's right, that's the reason."

Mo Cong glanced at Yun Tian, ​​who was unconscious on the bed, and was a little worried: "Is Mr. Yun still awake? Is there something wrong?"

Wan Kun shook his head, "No, he has suffered more serious injuries than this, and he will get better on his own. We can't help him much."

Mo Cong nodded, Master Hou always said that Yuntian's martial arts were very good, very good, but he had never seen it before, and hoped to experience it one day.

It was night, cold and windy.

On the shore of the ice field in the North Sea, a huge shadow lay quietly on the sand.

A pair of cold and emerald green eyes are staring at the land in the distance.

The young man I met last night must be its son Ashin, it must be.

During the years he left, what kind of adventure did Ashin have? Why was he able to break through a problem that the Frost Dragon Clan had overcome for thousands of years in just a few years?This is no accident, something must have happened, and when he comes, it must ask clearly.

With an extremely excited mood, it waited for the arrival of its son with that extremely expectant look in its eyes. From the rising of the moon to the setting of the moon, it never waited for him.

Why on earth did he not come?
If he was Ashin, why wouldn't he come?

Those eyes in the deep sea last night, those blue eyes, if it wasn't for Ashin, how could they look at it like that?

But if he was Ashin, why wouldn't he come?Didn't he come here just to see it?To say those words to it?Why don't you come again now?

Tonight, tonight he will definitely come.

Agu comforted himself, and when the sun rose, he returned to the sea.

As soon as he returned to his residence in the sea, he saw the clan waiting for it.

"Agu, do you know how long I have been waiting for you?"

Agu said: "I don't know that the patriarch is here, but what's the matter?"

In terms of age, the patriarch is older than Agu, but in terms of bloodline and strength, Agu is above the patriarch. If Agu hadn't left the ice field back then, the patriarch must have been seated by Agu.

So facing the patriarch, Agu is not as afraid as other cold flood dragons.

The patriarch also knew his temperament, and it would be bad if he was in a hurry, so he said in a slow tone: "Agu, didn't I tell you, don't make enemies with humans anymore, you have forgotten the ancestral training of our Hanjiao clan. Yet?"

Agu said: "Patriarch, I didn't go to eat people, I just went to the land to get some air, and I didn't do anything." If you want to eat people, you have to be fed by someone. All the nearby fishing villages have now become ghost villages. Can't see it anymore.

The patriarch said: "I know you don't eat people, but don't rush to the land. If people see it, it's not good for you or our Hanjiao clan."

(End of this chapter)

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