Chapter 1798

Chapter 1820

Agu disdains this timid patriarch in his heart, they are dignified Hanjiao clan, why are they afraid of being seen by humans?So what if you see it?With that little ability of human beings, what else can we do to him?
It is considered kind of them not to eat them, so there is no need to be afraid of those guys who are no different from sea fish?
It was a little angry again, if the man in white was really Ashin, why would he choose to incarnate into a human?Has he forgotten how his mother was killed by humans?He will never forget that day, he secretly went back to Beihai with Ashin, who was still underage at the time, and when he came back, he only saw his wife's body lying on the grass outside Hanwai, Jiaodan Jiaozhu and even Jiaodan. Skin, all were taken away by those hateful humans.

Before that, he only regarded human beings as food, but since then, he has regarded human beings as sworn enemies.

He has been instilling this concept into Ashin. At first, Ashin listened to him and hated humans with him, but later, Ashin suddenly hated humans again. The humans he captured, Ashin did not Eat it again, and even secretly release those humans who are still alive.

Later, he killed the human beings and brought them back, and Ashin refused to eat them.

"Elder Agu, what are you thinking again? Is there something on your mind?" the patriarch asked.

Agu shook his head: "It's okay, I'm fine, if the patriarch has nothing else to do, please go back, I'm tired and need to rest."

There was a fire in the patriarch's heart, and the cluster of flames that had just risen in Jiao's eyes was suppressed by it. One day, one day, it would let Agu know who is the boss of the Han Jiao clan.

The patriarch didn't say anything more, and turned around and swam to his residence with his subordinates. Agu's closed eyes suddenly opened, staring coldly at the patriarch's back.

Although the patriarch didn't say much just now, he was obviously here to demonstrate, but he didn't expect that he, Agu, didn't pay attention to him as the patriarch at all. His patriarch is just ashamed.

Now that there are no other clansmen around, he, the patriarch with a dishonorable name, still wants to show his prestige in front of him?
As long as Ashin told him the secret of the incarnation, he would be able to take back the position of patriarch immediately.

I hope Ashin will come tomorrow.

When night fell, it went to the sand on the coast again, waiting for Ashin quietly. From dark to dawn, it kept its eyes wide open and stared in that direction, but that figure never appeared .

Why is this happening?Could it be that it thought wrong?That human is not Ashin at all?
If he is not Ashin, what about his Ashin?Was it really killed by humans?
No, no, it must be Ashin, it must be him.

Shangli City

Yun Tian hadn't woken up yet, Mo Cong had set up a stall outside to buy stories for three days, and none of the news he brought back seemed reliable.

The shopkeeper personally delivered the ginseng soup to Wan Kun's room: "My lord, you haven't had a good rest these days, and the villain has boiled ginseng soup for you. You can drink some."

Wan Kun put down the piles of recorded stories in his hand. Most of the bits and pieces of old stories were made up by the common people in order to cheat food. Some of them were true, but they had nothing to do with Han Jiao. It was about to explode, but there was still no news related to Han Jiao. If this continues, more people will fabricate some useless fake stories in order to cheat food.

(End of this chapter)

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