Chapter 1800

Chapter 1822

The shopkeeper said again: "I know that there is a book that specifically extracts excerpts from different beasts. If the sea monster cannibalism at that time is true, then there must be a record in this book."

Wan Kun's eyes lit up immediately after hearing this: "What book is it?"

The shopkeeper squinted his eyes and tried hard. After thinking hard for a long time, he couldn't remember the name of the book.

"I really can't remember, but it doesn't matter. My little grandson knows this book. He told me a while ago that he wanted to buy that book and read it. I took him to search all the bookstores in the city. He didn't find it. Found it, my handwriting is very strange, I can't remember it for a while, if you are anxious to know, I will go home and bring my little grandson to tell you."

Wan Kun hurriedly said: "Then you go, I'll wait for you here."

The shopkeeper left in a hurry, Wan Kun had a premonition that the mystery of the cold flood was about to be revealed, and the person who knew the answer was always in front of him.

If he hadn't asked this casually today, I don't know how long this matter would have dragged on.

It turned out that people who had seen the cold dragons back then didn't know they were called cold dragons, they just thought they were sea monsters.

Also, the appearance of Hanjiao is indeed like a sea monster, huge, ugly and ferocious.

No wonder Mo Cong and the others went to collect stories and got nothing. The common people didn't know what stories they were looking for.

After several hours, the shopkeeper brought his grandson to the inn. He was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy, not tall, but he looked very energetic, with a hint of wit in his eyes.

"Quick, I've seen you, Young Master."

The boy hurriedly put away his scrutiny, and saluted Wan Kun.

Wan Kun waved his hand: "No need to be too polite, what's your name?"

"Returning to the son, Li Xingcai, the villain, is twelve years old this year."

Wan Kun nodded: "Okay, articulate, it's a good job. Given time, I'm afraid I can take over your class as the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper knew that Wan Kun was sincerely praising him, so he was very happy, with a smile on his face: "My lord is too good."

Wan Kun said to Li Xingcai: "Xingcai, your grandfather must have told you on the way? What's the name of that book? Have you read it?"

Li Xingcai shook his head: "I haven't read it, Mr. Xu said it."

"Oh? Mr. Xu?" Wan Kun raised his eyebrows.

Li Xingcai said again: "In class that day, two students dozed off, and the teacher told us a story about a two-headed snake fighting a white-fronted tiger. I saw it on the Internet and thought it was interesting, so I told it to us, and my husband also said that there are many anecdotes and strange things that happened in the world in that book of strange stories."

"Strange Records? Who wrote the Strange Records?" Wan Kun asked.

Li Xingcai said: "Sir, the author of the strange news record is Hu Dajiao, a doctor with excellent medical skills."

Wan Kun was shocked suddenly, Hu Dajiao?Strange records?Biography of strange doctor?
The author of the Biography of the Strange Doctor is Hu Dajiao, who is known as the strange doctor of the Jianghu. It is said that when his mother was seriously ill, it was Qi Rongyue and Zheng Zhongwen who fought to get the cold beard, which saved his mother's life. Because of this, Qi Rongyue He and Zheng Zhongwen were almost separated forever, and the mandarin ducks were separated.

That's right, since Hu Dajiao knows that the cold dragon's beard can be used as medicine to cure diseases, and that the cold dragon's bead can bring people back to life, then he must know the cold dragon's beard very well, and even used the cold dragon's beard to treat patients, otherwise, how could he Will you know the medicinal value of cold dragon's whiskers?
In other words, in the Strange Story, he must be able to find a way to restrain the cold dragon.

"Where is your husband now?" Wan Kun asked urgently.

(End of this chapter)

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