Chapter 1801

Chapter 1823

Li Xingcai said: "Mr. has been ill for the past two days and is resting at home. I met a classmate today and he is inviting me to visit Mr. at his home tomorrow."

Wan Kun was anxious, how could he wait until tomorrow, and immediately said: "There is no need for tomorrow, now, right now."

Li Xingcai was slightly stunned, turned to look at his grandfather, saw his grandfather nodded, and then said to Wan Kun: "Okay, then go now."

Led by Li Xingcai, the two rode together on a horse and ran all the way to Mr. Luo's house.

Mr. Luo lives in the east of Shangli City, which can be regarded as a place where very poor people live in the city.

The dilapidation in sight made Wan Kun unable to imagine that such a place existed in the prosperous Chu Dynasty, which is really puzzling.

"It's right in front." Li Xingcai pointed to the end of the dilapidated street. The house at the end was the oldest and smallest house on the whole street.

There is no door to the small courtyard, and there is a woman in the courtyard drying her freshly washed clothes.

The woman's complexion was haggard, her eyes were red, as if she had just cried.

"Who are you looking for?" The woman looked at Wan Kun, who was wrapped in brocade, with such luxurious clothes and such an unusual demeanor. Their family had never known such a person.

Wan Kun asked, "But Mr. Luo has one?"

The woman nodded: "My husband's surname is Luo, who are you?"

Wan Kun pointed to Li Xingcai beside him and said, "This is Li Xingcai, Mr. Luo's student, don't you recognize him?"

The woman looked at Li Xingcai intently, and Li Xingcai hurriedly saluted: "Master, you sent food to the private school last time, I saw you."

The woman couldn't recognize Li Xingcai, but she certainly didn't look like he was lying, so she nodded and said, "Oh, it was my husband's student."

Li Xingcai said: "I heard that the master is ill, so we came to see him." Li Xingcai said, and sent the snacks he bought on the way: "This is my son's kindness, please don't dislike it."

The woman was a little embarrassed, but finally took it: "Come here, come, what else do you bring?"

After receiving the things, the woman led them into the house, and sighed as they walked: "My husband has been ill for several days, and I have taken medicine, but he still doesn't get better. Now it's getting worse, I really don't know what to do. "As she spoke, the woman's eyes turned red again.

Wan Kun said, "I know some medical skills, so I can just show him."

The woman's eyes lit up: "That's good, I have Mr. Lao."

As the woman entered the inner room, the smell in the room made one frown, and the light was particularly dim.

Wan Kun said, "Open the window."

The woman was stunned: "Open the window? Husband has been exposed to the wind and cold, how can he bear the cold wind blowing in again?"

Wan Kun said: "Because he suffered from the wind and cold, the sickness stagnates in the inner room and persists, so he has not recovered for a long time. If he is afraid of the cold, he will cover up with more quilts. The air in the room must be ventilated at all times, understand?"

The woman didn't quite understand, but seeing what he said was orderly, she couldn't refute, so she hurriedly opened the window as said, and removed the black cloth covering the window, and the room became much brighter immediately.

"Who is here?" A weak voice came from the bed in the room.

Li Xingcai hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Sir, I am Xingcai!"

Mr. Luo coughed twice, "It's a talent, why are you here? But what's the matter?"

Li Xingcai looked at the thin-faced gentleman and said: "I heard that the gentleman is ill, and I have been wanting to visit him for a long time. Today, my young master happened to have something to ask for the gentleman, so we came together. I didn't expect the gentleman to be so sick."

(End of this chapter)

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