Chapter 1802

Chapter 1824

Mr. Luo wanted to speak, but he coughed when he opened his mouth, and he couldn't speak at all.

Wan Kun stepped forward to check his pulse.

Mrs. Luo looked at Wan Kun nervously, and seeing that he withdrew his hand, she hurriedly asked, "How is my husband?"

Wan Kun smiled lightly: "It's not a problem, it's just the wind and cold, although it's a bit serious, but as long as you take the right medicine, you'll get better soon, so don't worry too much."

Mrs. Luo's bitter-melon complexion finally turned slightly better, "That's really great, I wonder if you can prescribe a medicine for my husband?"

Wan Kun nodded, and took a pen and paper from the desk under the window.

Xingcai was very clever, and quickly stepped forward to grind ink for Wan Kun. After a while, the prescription was prescribed. Wan Kun took the small chapter that he carried with him, and stamped his personal seal under the prescription.

He handed the prescription to Mrs. Luo, and said: "Madam Luo, this is the prescription. You can take it to the Wanshi Jiren Hall. It is my property. The shopkeeper will pack the medicine for you himself, and you will not be charged a cent."

Mrs. Luo was overjoyed, but she was a little embarrassed: "This, how good is this." The poor family was almost unable to open the pot, otherwise it would not have made her husband so ill that he had no money for medical treatment.

She originally planned to pawn the child's longevity lock after the prescription was prescribed by Mr. Wan, in exchange for some money to buy the medicine.

Wan Kun laughed and said, "Ma'am, don't be embarrassed. This is my little thought. It's nothing to our Wan family. Besides, Mr. Luo is a teacher. I also hope he can get better soon. So as not to delay the students' homework."

Mrs. Luo nodded with red eyes, thanked her repeatedly, and hurried to Ji Ren Tang.

Ji Ren Tang is the largest medical clinic and pharmacy in Shangli City, ordinary poor people would not dare to go in, the things inside are all high-quality, and the prices are naturally not cheap.

I heard that Ji Ren Tang is owned by the richest man Wan's family. Just now the son claimed to be surnamed Wan. Could it be that he is the owner of the Wan family?

Mrs. Luo walked all the way thinking about Mr. Wan's demeanor, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was right. She never expected that Mr. Wan was not only rich and powerful, but also warm-hearted.

After Mrs. Luo left, Wan Kun gave Mr. Luo an injection, which relieved his cough and made him speak much more smoothly.

Xingcai helped Mr. Luo to sit up, "Sir, this is Mr. Wan, my grandfather's boss, he came today because he has something to ask Mr."

Mr. Luo doesn't know anything about the business field, and he never asks about the purchases outside his home on weekdays. Naturally, he doesn't know about the richest man Wan's family. When he heard the word Wan Gongzi, he didn't show any surprise or excitement on his face. .

He just nodded politely to Wan Kun: "Mr. Wan, your medical skills are very good, and I feel much more comfortable now."

Wan Kun said with a smile, "I'm overwhelmed, I'm only scratching the surface."

Mr. Luo said: "I don't know if Mr. Wan is here today, what do you want to ask?"

Wan Kun glanced at Li Xingcai who was on the side, and said, "I heard from Xingcai that Mr. Luo once told the students a very interesting story in class. He said that the story came from the Record of Strange Records. Is there such a thing?"

Mr. Luo nodded: "It is true. When I was young, I read a book called Wei Wen Lu, which recorded anecdotes and strange things that happened in the past dynasties. The author did not see all of them with his own eyes. He also A man who has read a lot of poetry and books compiled all the anecdotes and anecdotes he saw in various books into a book, which he named Anecdote Records."

(End of this chapter)

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