Chapter 1803

Chapter 1825

Wan Kun hurriedly asked: "Then this record of strange stories is still there? Can you lend me a look?"

Mr. Luo shook his head: "It was a book I borrowed from a friend when I was young. I was born in a poor family, and there were not many books in my family. I usually borrowed it when I was studying. I found it at the home of a classmate of mine, and I found it interesting, so I borrowed it from him, and after a few days he was about to move away, so I returned it to him."

Wan Kun's heart sank suddenly, and he was very depressed, "Is there no contact with this friend of yours now?" Probably not, after all these years, Wan Kun has almost no hope.

Mr. Luo said: "Yes, I can trust you before. He heard about Beihai and advised me to move in with him, but I didn't agree."

Wan Kun's sinking heart rose again, and he said excitedly, "So, do you know where your friend is now?"

Mr. Luo nodded: "Of course I know. Although he said he moved, he didn't move far away. It is in Ziyuan City, which is [-] miles away from Shangli City. Back then, their family's business was transferred from Shangli City to Ziyuan City. He went to Ziyuan City with his parents, and he still lives in Ziyuan City. I heard that the business is doing well, and he is already one of the largest households in Ziyuan City."

Wan Kun asked again: "I wonder if Mr. Luo saw the record about sea monsters when he read the records of strange news?"

Mr. Luo hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, how do you know that there is a record of sea monsters in the Chronicles of Strange News? I happened to read this article at the beginning, but unfortunately I received the news that he was leaving before I finished reading it, so I hurriedly read it. I returned the book to him, and it was precisely because I hadn’t finished reading it that I was so impressed that I still dare not forget it.”

Wan Kun asked, "What did it say?"

Mr. Luo took the warm tea from Xingcai and took a sip to moisten his throat: "It is said that more than 1000 years ago, sea monsters came ashore to prey on human beings and devoured all the people who lived on the sea. They rushed into the town, slaughtered and devoured human beings, and destroyed more than half of the town. Everyone fled and dared not stay in the North Sea. When the emperor who was thousands of miles away heard about this, he was very angry and issued an imperial list to solicit energy. At first, people thought that the sea monster was invincible, but who knows, the emperor actually found a lot of capable people and strangers."

"And then?" Wan Kun asked.

Mr. Luo shook his head: "I don't know what happened next, I haven't read it yet." Speaking of this, Mr. Luo suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked: "You ask this, is it related to these things that happened in Beihai recently? Could it be that those things disappeared? In fact, the people who encountered ghosts disappeared mysteriously, but were eaten by sea monsters?"

Wan Kun nodded: "To tell you the truth, I came here to investigate the case under the orders of the emperor. At the beginning, I didn't believe in ghosts and sea monsters. I just thought it was some mysterious organization doing something dark. But a few days ago, I led people to explore the ice area of ​​the North Sea at night, and I saw the cold dragon with my own eyes, which is what you commonly call sea monsters. Frost floods have caused them to lie dormant in the deep sea for thousands of years, so as long as we know how to defeat them, we will naturally be able to defeat them again."

Mr. Luo became agitated, and with this agitation, he started coughing again, his face flushed red with mockery, and he didn't stop for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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