Chapter 1804

Chapter 1826

Helpless, Wan Kun had no choice but to give him another injection to suppress the cough temporarily so as not to make him uncomfortable.

Mr. Luo calmed down for a while, and said anxiously: "I must, I must defeat these sea monsters. My sister's family, a family of five, are all gone, all are gone."

Wan Kun was afraid that he would get agitated again, so he hurriedly comforted him: "Don't worry, sir, don't say that I came here by the emperor's order, even if I didn't have the emperor's order, I will take care of this matter, and we must never let the people be killed by these monsters again."

Mr. Luo calmed down again, and struggled to get out of bed, "I'll write you a letter, if I don't feel too sick now, I will definitely go with you."

Wan Kun said: "Mister's current body is really not suitable for being tired, I can go by myself, Mr. Lao."

Mr. Luo quickly wrote the letter and handed it to Wan Kun: "Mr. Wan, my friend's surname is Yang. When he arrives in Ziyuan City, you can find out by asking anyone. It is said that it is Yang Haifu's family. No one knows."

Wan Kun accepted the letter, put it next to him, and immediately bid farewell to Luo Xian and left.

Wan Kun sent Xingcai back to the inn, called Mo Li and two guards, and the rest of the people didn't have to go out to collect stories, let them take care of Yuntian in the inn.

All the way fast and fast, the distance is not far, but in an hour, they hurried to Ziyuan City.

After entering the city, Mo Li asked Wan Kun, "Is this Mr. Huo's words trustworthy?"

Wan Kun said: "There is nothing credible or not. He just truthfully stated the contents of the book he had read and nothing else. I decided that the sea monster recorded in the book was a cold dragon. It was my own decision. Mr. Luo doesn't know."

Li Li nodded, with a dazed look on his face: "So that's the case. From this point of view, it's really a bit believable."

Wan Kun was still not happy. After so many years, whether the book is still there is a problem. Mr. Luo has not finished the book, and his friend Mr. Yang may not have finished it.

If the book is gone, and no one remembers the contents of the book, wouldn't this thread be broken again?Where else could he find another such an almost extinct record of strange news?
"This fellow, where does Yang Yuanwai's family live?" Mo Li said to an old man.

The old man waved his hand: "I came from outside the city to sell vegetables, I don't know, you can ask someone else."

Li Li asked a few more people, and finally found the place, which was on Ningzhi Street not far ahead.

"Who are you?" The old man at the door looked at Wan Kun and Mo Li's attire, and muttered in his heart. These people are still wearing weapons and their demeanor is extraordinary. Could it be that the master has caused something?

Wan Kun said: "We are friends of Mr. Shang Licheng Luo, if we have important matters to discuss with Mr. Yang, please inform us."

The old man has been working in the Yang family all his life, so he naturally knows that the poor teacher from Shangli City is a good friend of the old man, and now that such a person comes to his door, he naturally dare not neglect.

After a while, a middle-aged man who was about the same age as Mr. Luo came to the door with the old man, his face was full of anxiety: "Are you Luo Bai's friend? Why didn't he come? Did something happen to him?"

Wan Kun hurriedly said: "No, no, sir, I misunderstood. Mr. Luo is fine. This is the letter he just wrote to you." Wan Kun took out the letter and handed it to Mr. Yang.

Yang Haifu took the letter, and after carefully reading every word, the anxious expression on his face dissipated, and he finally smiled: "So that's it, please come in quickly, please come in quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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