Chapter 1805

Chapter 1827

Yang Haifu enthusiastically welcomed Wan Kun, Mo Li and others into the mansion, and went directly to the hall: "Come here, serve tea to the distinguished guests."

Wan Kun said: "Mr. Yang, we didn't come here today to drink tea and chat. The matter is urgent. Please forgive me, Mr. Yang."

Yang Haifu said: "Yes, yes, the young master is right. In this way, you can follow me to the study. I did bring Ziyuan with me back then, but I have never read it since then. The bookshelves in the study are regularly updated every year. To clean up, some old books that were rotten or moldy will be cleaned up, because the servants in the mansion are taking care of them, and there is no detailed list, so it may not be easy to find them."

Wan Kun said: "No matter how difficult it is, I'm not afraid. Please ask a few more people who can read and write to look for it together. I hope I can find it sooner."

Yang Haifu immediately ordered the housekeeper to find someone, and he took Wan Kun and others into the study.

The study room is very large, except for the wall where the desk is placed, the other three walls were once filled with bookshelves, the bookshelves were as high as the ceiling, and each bookshelf was filled with books.

I really didn't expect that a businessman would collect so many books.

Yang Haifu said: "I don't have any other hobbies. I just like to read and buy books. Whenever I have free time, I would go to bookstores. I especially like to collect some strange stories and rare books."

Wan Kun sighed, "Mr. Yang, if you can find the record of strange stories from your bookshelf today and find out the way to defeat the sea monster, then Beihai was saved by you."

Yang Haifu waved his hand: "I don't dare to take it seriously. I just happened to have a book in my collection. Let's not say whether I can find it or not. Even if I found it, I have to say whether it is useful or not."

Not much to say, the big guys divide the labor and cooperate, and one person is responsible for arranging the bookshelves, reading and looking for books one by one, without leaving any book behind.

If, as Yang Haifu said, most of the bookshelves are rare and unique books with old covers, they are fortunately well preserved. They should be frequently posted, otherwise such old books cannot be preserved in good condition.

"Master Hou, do you read this book?" Mo Li's subordinates suddenly rushed to Wan Kun with a book. It was an ancient book with a blue cover. , the following two words are not clear.

Wan Kun opened the book cover, and on the first page inside were written the words Hu Dajiao.

Wan Kun's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and his complexion also became tense. He quickly scrolled down, and there was a short story recorded in the book. It was about a python eating people. Retrieved a life.

The following stories are still bizarre, one by one, he thought, this must be a strange story.

Then I showed it to Mr. Yang: "This is the record of strange news?"

After turning two pages, Mr. Yang shook his head: "This is not the record of strange events, this is the record of strange events. The record of strange events and the record of strange events are two sets of books. The records of strange events are all about Hu Dazuo himself. What I have seen, and the different records are stories he collected from other books, the two should be put together."

Wan Kun looked at the guard, who hurried back to the place where he was looking for the book, took out a book with the same color as the cover of the Odd Records, and handed it to Wan Kun.

This book is obviously much more than the record of strange events. Obviously, there are not as many strange stories in the world as there are strange things that I have seen with my own eyes.

The words "Strange Records" on the cover of the book are also very clear, and there is no trace of it being obliterated by the years. Obviously, the people who own this book don't read much.

(End of this chapter)

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