Chapter 1806

Chapter 1828

At least not as many as there are records of strange events.

After all, it has some magical and unknown colors, which is not as close to life as Strange Events.

He quickly opened the book, looking for records about sea monsters in the book.

At the top of the tenth page, there are four words 'man-eating sea monster'.

He took the book and went to the window, sat down at the desk, and read each word in the dim sunlight outside the window.

More than 1000 years ago, the sea monster came ashore to eat people. Its body was huge, comparable to that of a whale. It had four legs, green eyes, and was extremely ferocious. ability to resist.

King Li was furious, and recruited capable people and strangers from the people to fight against the sea monster.

Three months later, hundreds of capable men and strangers gathered in the North Sea. After several failed attempts to attack, they found a way to restrain the sea monster.

Sea monsters are born in the cold sea, they like the cold and are afraid of heat, their bodies are very special, they can survive in the ice, but they dare not approach any hot flames, this is the fundamental reason why although they are powerful, they cannot rule the world, they They can leave the ice field, but they can't leave it for too long, otherwise, their bodies will not be able to bear it.

When they are surrounded by flames, they can only spit out the inner alchemy in their bodies, and use the power of the inner alchemy to avoid the fire, but after spitting out the inner alchemy, they are no different from ordinary fish in the sea, and their unbreakable outer skin is also They can be easily pierced, but a flaming arrow with kerosene ready can kill them.

With this method, only a few hundred strangers took the lives of at least dozens of sea monsters. Since then, no sea monsters have been seen in the ice region of the North Sea.

Wan Kun closed the book with surprise on his face.

"How is it? Does the book say how to subdue sea monsters?" Mo Li asked anxiously.

Wan Kun nodded: "Yes, use the technique of attacking with fire."

"The technique of fire attack?" Mo Li was stunned: "Is it that simple?"

Wan Kun shook his head: "Of course it's more than that simple. The first choice is to lure them to land, cut off their retreat, surround them in the sound of fire, and when they spit out the inner alchemy, then release rockets, and they can be easily recovered." kill them."

Mo Li was overjoyed: "It seems that the people of Beihai are saved, and our lying down is really not in vain."

Wan Kun turned to Mr. Yang and said, "Mr. Yang, can you lend me this book first?"

Mr. Yang hurriedly said: "Give it to you. It would be a waste to keep it with me. Maybe it will be useful in the future if you keep it in your hands."

Mr. Yang thought for a while and then said: "You have come from a long way, and you are not afraid of life and death for the face of Beihai. Yang really admires him. Yang is weak and can't help you. I happen to have a shop that manufactures and sells kerosene. I'll send someone to send you all the kerosene immediately, Shanglicheng is weak, so it may not be easy to find so much kerosene in a short time."

Wan Kun said: "Mr. Yang is indeed a man of love and righteousness. You are a friend, and I, Wan Kun, have made a decision."

Wan Kun?

Mr. Yang is a student and also a businessman. He inherited his ancestral business and has been doing business in Ziyuan City for many years. The business is not small. Naturally, he has heard of the richest man, Wanjia, and the head of the Wanjia is called Wankun. , and a while ago, he also took Princess Changle as his wife and was named Chang'an Hou.

No wonder a guard just called him Lord Hou. . .

Mr. Yang immediately became excited, and Wan Kun hurried away with his subordinates in just this dazed effort.

As a businessman, being able to become Wan Kun's friend is a great event for the ancestors!
(End of this chapter)

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