Chapter 1808

Chapter 1830

No, it can't be, he won't kill and let people die, he can't do it, humans have done nothing wrong.

Being invaded by Han Jiao, they were just defending themselves, the fault was Han Jiao, not human beings.

He had to go to the ice region, find his father, and explain clearly to him the stakes of the matter, so that they could escape into the deep sea and never appear in front of human beings again.

In this way, it is possible to preserve the inheritance of the Hanjiao Clan, otherwise, the Hanjiao Clan will disappear completely in the world.

He put the book back on Wan Kun's pillow and hurried out.

When I met the shopkeeper downstairs, the shopkeeper saw Yuntian, hurried up to greet him, grabbed Yuntian's hand and said, "Young Master Yun, you are awake. My son has not slept well for several days because of you."

He held Yun Tian's hand, and before he took a breath, he quickly let go, this guy's hand was really too cold, as if he was holding a piece of ice.

Yun Tian said to the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, I have something to go out, if your young master wakes up to look for me, you tell him not to look for me, I will come back tomorrow morning, so he doesn't have to worry." He is so smart, he must be able to guess where he is going out so late, I hope he will not come to him again, I hope he will not wake up tonight.

The shopkeeper hurriedly asked: "Mr. Yun, it's not peaceful outside this night. You'd better not go out. When the young master wakes up, he will definitely go to find you." Last time, it was because he was looking for him, so the young master came back like that. Look, come again this time, maybe something will happen.

How could Yun Tian listen to his persuasion, "I've made up my mind, you don't need to say any more, remember my words, and leave."

Yun Tian left the inn, took a random horse in the stable, and galloped all the way to the ice field.

On the beach with rough waves, a huge black shadow lay motionless on the beach, its blue eyes stared coldly into the distance, the eyes were cold, and clusters of murderous aura condensed in the eyes.

It has been waiting for so long, five full days, and Ashin still hasn't come.

Up to now, it is not sure whether that human being is Ashin or its son.

It doesn't even know if its son still exists in this world.

If Ashin is dead, it will definitely not let these humans go, definitely not.

It closed its eyes, turned its body slowly, and was about to return to the sea, when it heard the sound of horseshoes in the distance, the pair of huge flood eyes suddenly opened again, and turned around quickly, looking Staring at the figure in the distance.

A fine horse, dressed in white, tall and valiant.

Jiaomu sees at night like daytime, even though it is far away, it still sees the face clearly at a glance, it is the face it saw at the bottom of the sea that day.

Although those eyes are not blue, they are no different from human eyes, but it can still see things he is familiar with from those eyes.

It is Ashin, it must be Ashin.

It rushed forward excitedly, and the horse in the sky in the distance turned around and ran away in shock.

Yuntian had no choice but to abandon his horse and walk towards the huge cold dragon step by step.

He knew that his father must have recognized him, after all, he was father and son, even if he changed his appearance, he could still recognize him at a glance.

A Gu stopped his footsteps, looked at Ashin who was walking towards it step by step, and asked in Jiao language: "Ashin, is that you, Ashin?"

Yun Tian stood still and looked up at his father's face. In those huge eyes, there was an emotion he had never seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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