Chapter 1809

Chapter 1831

"It's me, I'm Ashin, but my current name is Yuntian." He used the human pronunciation for the word Yuntian.

Father could understand human language, and he must have known that he lived in a human world and needed a human name.

Agu lowered his head, touched Yunshen's body with his giant mouth, and was so excited that he could hardly speak: "Ashin, you are really Ashin, you didn't die, so you didn't die."

Yun Tian frowned, "Who said I'm dead? I'm fine, I've always been fine."

Yun Tian suddenly realized something, and his complexion changed drastically: "Father, what happened during this period, could it be because of me? You thought I was dead, that I was killed by humans, and that's why you went ashore to eat people?"

Agu nodded: "That's right, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have disregarded the ancestral precepts and brought the clan dragon ashore." Agu snorted: "So what if I eat people? They're just trash like mosquitoes. Jiao is willing to eat them, it's to give them face, besides, if you don't make such a big commotion, how can you come here? How can we father and son have a chance to see each other again?"

Yun Tian thought of those fishing villages that Wan Kun and he had visited that day, that baby whose parents were swallowed by the cold flood, and who was just born as an orphan, those homes that were originally warm, but now they have turned into pieces of ruins.

It turned out that all these things happened because of him.

"Ashin, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that his son was silent, Agu asked hurriedly.

Yun Tian raised his head, looked at his father's huge face, and felt mixed feelings in his heart: "Father, I beg you, don't eat people anymore, and from now on, lead the Jiao clan to live deep in the sea, and never go ashore to do evil again. gone."

"Evil? From your point of view, if I eat people, I am evil? Then they are human beings, hunt and kill your mother, kill her, kill her—"

It can't speak, can't go on, and can never forget the scene when it saw his wife's bones.

"Father, why don't you understand? Mother's death is our own fault. We killed human beings first, and killed many, many human beings, so human beings had to rise up and resist, because they didn't want to be our meal. If we didn't Hurt them, they won't come to hurt us."

Living in the human world for more than a year, he has seen a lot and felt a lot. He lives and thinks in a human way, and he knows what human beings want and what they don't want.

Not everyone, but at least most people like it, or I should say they love peace. Everyone likes to live a peaceful and peaceful life, and they all cherish their lives.

Agu's eyes widened. He couldn't believe that the human being in front of him was really his son. He actually said such a thing. Could it be that he really forgot how his mother died?

Yuntian continued: "Father, we are cold lives, and human beings are also life. We killed people, many, many people, and human beings will naturally resist. Back then in Funiu Mountain, we lived deep in the cold pool. I guess at the beginning No human beings came to offend you and your mother. It is you who are constantly devouring human beings and killing all those who enter the mountain. That's why those human beings hate us to the bone and gather experts to round us up. Mother was killed. Is it extremely sad? Just imagine, those humans who were killed by you also have family members, will their family members be sad? Will they want to seek revenge from us?" He was a little excited, but his father looked indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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