Chapter 1810

Chapter 1832

A Gudao: "How can those small and lowly human beings compare with our incomparably noble Hanjiao?" He looked at Ashin in front of him, and his eyes gradually became angry: "Ashin, since you have seen through the way of heaven, you have to become an incarnation. Why don’t you become a dragon instead of becoming a lowly, short-lived human? What do you think?”

Yun Tiandao: "I don't think human beings are lowly, nor do I think cold dragons are noble. It's my choice to become a human being. I don't want to be a dragon anymore, and I don't want to be a dragon. I just want to be a human being and live a simple life. I do When I arrived, I also felt a lot of happiness that I had never felt before."

"Father, stop, before the catastrophe strikes, it's still too late to stop."

Agu frowned: "Big disaster? What big disaster? Make it clear."

Yun Tiandao: "As early as more than 1000 years ago, our Hanjiao tribe had a great war with humans. At that time, our Hanjiao tribe lost more than half of our clan's Jiao, and humans won a big victory. The Hanjiao tribe has since disappeared in the deep sea. , don’t commit crimes with humans again, don’t you know these things?”

Agu shook his head: "Impossible, I've never heard of such a thing. How can the power of our cold dragon be defeated by a small human being? Don't talk nonsense here."

Yun Tian looked excited: "Father, if you don't believe me, you can go to the clan and ask the elders, they must know about this."

Agu remembered what an elder said a few days ago. That elder is the oldest in the Hanjiao clan. Although his status is not the highest, he still has a certain status in the Jiaozu. There is a reason for not offending humans. At that time, once humans make up their minds to resist, they will have a way to restrain us. Once they plan to fight back, the Hanjiao Clan will most likely disappear completely in the world. Therefore, it warned it again and again, enough is enough, don't make mistakes again and again.

At that time, he was very disdainful when he heard it, and he thought it was alarmist talk, and it was almost useless to scare those who had never been ashore, and who had never seen human "capability".

Naturally, it didn't listen to the old guy's warning, and continued to bring the young Han Jiaos up the rock, and preyed on all the fishing villages around the ice area.

Now they are planning to go to a town not far away, where there are more humans than fishing villages.

"Ashin, don't scare me with these inexplicable words, do you look like your father and I will be frightened?"

Agu stared at his scorched son, and said again: "Stop talking useless nonsense, and teach me the secret of incarnation."

Yun Tian was taken aback, teach it?

Wouldn't it be more convenient for him to do evil in the world if he jumped into a dragon or turned into a human?Wouldn't more and more human beings die in its hands in vain?
No, you can't.

Yun Tian shook his head: "I can't teach you."

Agu couldn't believe his ears, his son refused to tell him this big secret?Refuse to teach him?

"What did you say? You can't teach me? Why can't you?"

Yun Tiandao: "Because you have too much hostility and killing intent, if you once ascended to the dragon or transformed into a human, how many people will die in your hands, I can't do that."

Agu was furious, he flicked his long dragon tail and smashed Yuntian to the ground.

Yun Tian didn't dodge, and suffered the blow, causing his inner energy to surge and spit out blood.

(End of this chapter)

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