Chapter 1811

Chapter 1833

Seeing his son like this, Agu couldn't bear it again. He secretly hated that he had shot too hard just now, but he had to stiffen his neck and scold Yuntian: "Are you dead? You don't even know how to dodge?"

Yun Tian climbed up, wiped the blood from his mouth, and said with a wry smile: "You are my father, I should suffer from you a few times, I will not fight back, and I will not dodge."

Agu wanted to say more, at this time two huge cold dragons suddenly jumped out of the sea, they were young dragon dragons who had followed him ashore to look for food before, and they hadn't eaten humans for many days.

After tasting humans, they can't eat the fish in the bottom of the sea, and only want to eat humans every day.

At this time, seeing Elder Agu wounding a human being, they rushed forward scrambling to grab the delicious food.

Yun Tian hurriedly retreated, the injury he had just received made his stomach burn, and he wanted to throw his fists to fight off the approaching Han Jiao, but he was a little powerless.

Seeing that his son was in danger, Agu rushed forward and used his powerful human tail to injure the two cold dragons to the ground.

One of the cold dragons rolled twice on the sand in pain, and asked in pain: "Elder Agu, why did you hurt me? Didn't you say that you don't like eating humans anymore? Why don't you let us eat them?"

Agu said: "He can't do it, others can do whatever they want."

"Why can't he? He is also a human being, why can't he?"

Agu was furious: "There's no reason, it's just not possible, why don't you get out?"

The two cold dragons knew that they were not Agu's opponents, no matter how greedy they were now, they couldn't snatch food from Agu's mouth, so they could only rush back into the sea in despair.

Yuntian clutched his chest, and approached Agu step by step: "Father, listen to my advice, now humans have found a way to deal with the cold dragon, as long as you go ashore again, they will definitely not let you go, by then, I'm afraid it will be It’s the day of our Hanjiao Clan’s extermination.”

How could Agu listen to his advice, he only wanted to get the secret of the incarnation.

"I'll ask you again, will you tell me the secret of the incarnation?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "I can't say it, at least not right now, you are too murderous, I can't let you continue to commit murder."

Agu's dragon tail was raised high again, but his son stood straight in front of it, motionless, with no sign of fear or retreat in his eyes.

Its tail was raised high, but it did not fall heavily, but was slowly retracted.

After all, it was his own son, so it was reluctant to hurt him.

"Since you refused to tell me this secret, why did you still come to me?" Agu asked.

Yun Tian smiled bitterly, "Father, you will always be my father. No matter how the world changes, no matter how many evil things you do, you will always be my father. This is a fact that cannot be changed. It is also because we are father and son. I know you very well. Your temperament, so, after I learned what happened in Beihai, the first thing I thought of was you. Beihai has been peaceful and peaceful for more than 1000 years, but after you came back, this kind of thing happened. Except for you, I can't think of the first time Two people."

Ashin snorted coldly: "So what if it's me? Humans killed your mother. Even if they kill all their humans, it's not enough to repay the hatred."

Yun Tian thumped and knelt down in front of his father: "Father, I beg you, listen to my advice, don't go ashore again, let alone go to the town, you will die, even I can't guarantee that I can save you life."

(End of this chapter)

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