Chapter 1815

Chapter 1837

"Are you injured?" Wan Kun's complexion changed slightly, Yuntian's internal organs were injured, which was not injured before, and looking at the blood on his chest, it was obviously a new injury.

who is it?Who has such a great ability to hurt Yun Tian?
Yun Tian withdrew his hand, "I'm fine, it's just a small injury, and it will heal by itself tomorrow."

This is true, Yuntian's self-healing ability is particularly strong, this kind of injury can heal itself after a day or two of rest.

"Yun Tian, ​​tell me the truth, where did you go just now? Who did you meet? Who injured you?"

Who wounded him?Who can hurt him?
Yun Tian was full of bitterness, he couldn't say it, it was his father who hurt him, it was actually a dragon, he couldn't say it, he didn't know how to say it.

"Wan Kun, are we friends?" Yun Tian asked.

Wan Kun nodded: "Of course, of course we are friends, we share life and death, and friends in need."

"If I ask you one thing, it may be difficult, can you help me?"

Wan Kun said: "No matter what it is, your business is my business, Yun Tian, ​​as long as I can do it, even if I go to heaven or earth, I will definitely help you."

Yun Tian didn't expect Wan Kun to be so straightforward, "You didn't even ask me what happened."

Wan Kun laughed and said: "With your temperament, if you have no other choice, you will definitely not open your mouth to me. Since you have opened your mouth to me, then I must be able to do this matter, otherwise you will not Will speak to me, and if I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Yun Tian was moved. Wan Kun's trust in him made him so ashamed that he didn't even dare to tell Wan Kun his real identity.

"Wan Kun, if I beg you not to hurt Han Jiao, will you agree?"

Wan Kun was stunned: "What did you just say?"

Yun Tian stared helplessly and painfully at the surprised Wan Kun, and repeated word for word: "I said, if I beg you not to hurt the cold dragons, and don't use the fire attack technique in the Strange Records, you will agree." ?"

Wan Kun came back to his senses and quickly asked: "Why? Why did you make such a request? To you, what is the cold dragon? Isn't it a monster that eats people but doesn't spit out bones? Why do you want to intercede for them?"

Yun Tian anxiously said: "The cold dragons who go ashore to eat people do not represent all the cold dragons. Among the cold dragons, there are good and evil. Just like human beings, human beings are also divided into good and bad. Even bad people can be educated. Possibly, although they have made a big mistake, if they are given a chance, they may not be unrepentant."

There are good and bad cold dragons, this is also a fact, the mother is the cold dragon in Funiu Mountain who gave Qi Rongyue its whiskers, only then did he save his life, and only then did he have the opportunity to give birth to Wan Kun.

That cold dragon not only saved his mother, but also Wen'er.

Speaking of it, that cold dragon is the savior of their Wan family.

Wan Kun nodded: "You're right, Han Jiao is the same as human beings, there are good and evil, this cannibalism incident must not be the evil deeds committed by Han Jiao, otherwise, why didn't such a thing happen before? It just happened now, so there must be some evil person in the Frost Flood Dragon Clan."

Yun Tian looked embarrassed, how could he say that this evil person was actually his father.

Wan Kun said again: "It's just that we can't tell who is good and who is bad. Frost dragons live deep in the ice of the North Sea. As long as they don't come out to cause harm to the world, we can't go to the sea to seek revenge from them."

(End of this chapter)

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