Chapter 1816

Chapter 1838

Yun Tian understands what he means, as long as the cold dragons don't come out to harm people, he won't trouble them anymore, but if they enter the world to harm people again, then they can't just sit back and watch.

Yun Tian nodded: "You're right, if they enter the world to harm people, as the same kind, how can they sit idly by and watch unarmed people become their food."

Wan Kun stared at Yun Tian and asked, "Why did you say all these weird things today? What happened? What happened?"

Yun Tian shook his head, went back to the table and sat down, at this moment Xiao Er brought the noodles, so he just buried his head in eating the noodles and didn't make a sound.


ice deep sea
The patriarch Adong took Ajiu and Achang back to its residence, and after giving them seaweed to heal their injuries, they began to question them carefully.

"What happened to Elder Agu and that human being?"

Ajiu shook his head: "I don't know, this human being is the one who injured A Wu last time. He can speak Jiao language. After entering the sea, his eyes are blue. It's very strange. When Elder Agu saw him for the first time, his emotions changed. Weird."

A Dong asked: "It's strange? How is it so strange? Explain it clearly."

Ajiu continued: "Looking at Elder Agu's eyes, he seems to know this human being, but when we asked it, it said it didn't know it, and it had never seen it before."

"Have you seen him before?"

Ajiu shook his head: "I've never seen it before. After Elder Agu came back these years, before he went ashore to prey on humans, he stayed with us all the time. He has never been in contact with humans."

Ah Chang said: "Who said it has been with us all the time? Didn't it leave for a while a year ago? That is, after returning from that time, it began to encourage us to go ashore to prey on humans. Every time it Come with us, it kills and we eat."

A Dong asked: "Are you sure he started to encourage you to go ashore to eat people after he came back from outside?"

Ajiu and Achang nodded quickly: "Sure, very sure."

"Then why did it bring you ashore and let you eat people, but it didn't?" A Dong asked.

Ajiu said: "We also asked it, and it said it was tired of eating and didn't want to eat."

"Tired of eating? How many people does it have to eat? Do you know where it lived before?"

Both Jiao shook their heads: "I don't know, I only know that it has a son. It left Beihai last time to pick up his son. Unfortunately, when it came back, it was still itself."

Speaking of Elder Agu's son, Ajiu and Achang didn't know about it, but Agu knew it. Not only did he know, he had even met once.

It can't remember how many years ago, Agu secretly took his son back to the North Sea. At that time, the patriarch was still his father. Because he was a close friend of the patriarch, he knew about it and had seen that one. On the Xiaohan Jiao side, it is really a special Xiaohan Jiao. When it is angry, its eyes will turn blue. It has never seen such eyes before. Wait a minute—blue?
Adong turned his head and looked at Ajiu: "You just said that the human who injured Awu last time had blue eyes?"

Adong didn't know why the patriarch suddenly became nervous, and he didn't know what it was nervous about, which made it nervous too.

"Yes, yes, it was blue when I saw it in the sea, but it wasn't blue when I saw it on the shore today. At first I thought I had misunderstood the person, but I didn't know it was the one before it spoke Jiao language. that person."

(End of this chapter)

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