Chapter 1818

Chapter 1840

A Dong snorted coldly: "Stop pretending to me here, don't pretend that I don't know, that human being is your son, Ashin, right?"

The long dragon tail behind Agu suddenly trembled, and the originally calm sea stirred up a layer of waves.

"It seems that my words are right. Elder Agu, who is always calm, will sometimes lose his mind." Adong was quite proud.

Agu said angrily, "Stop talking nonsense here."

A Dong snorted coldly: "I'm talking nonsense? Don't forget, when you brought A Xin back, I saw him once. Those blue eyes are still unforgettable to me."

Agu was furious, and rushed forward to strike, but Adong had already guarded against it's move. His huge body quickly retreated, and with a swing of its long tail, the huge wave turned into a water sword and hit Agu fiercely.

A Gu's strength and A Dong's were originally comparable. At this time, A Dong took the lead, but A Gu fell behind.

"Quickly tell me, what is the secret of the incarnation?" A Dong's attack became more and more fierce, forcing A Gu to retreat steadily.

Agu roared: "You want to know, the afterlife!" It fought back vigorously, but found that it had always underestimated Adong's strength. A Dong's strength is no worse than it.

Their fighting made the clear underwater world chaotic, whirlpools were everywhere, and the waves were higher and faster than the last.

Many cold dragons came to help the station. As the patriarch of Adong, there were already many cold dragons who supported him. In addition, after Agu encouraged the clan dragons to go ashore to prey on humans a while ago, many old cold dragons gave up supporting Agu and moved to the front. Adong's camp, so Agu's power in the Hanjiao clan is weaker than that of Adong's patriarch as a whole.

The Hanjiao Clan fell into a crisis of melee, they didn't even know what they were fighting for, they just joined in involuntarily.

I don't know how long this kind of battle lasted, and I don't know how many clan dragons were injured. Both Agu and Adong were injured, but obviously, Agu was injured more seriously, because besides Adong, there were three clan dragons with him. To besiege it, no matter how powerful it is, it is no match for the simultaneous attack of four Frost Dragons.

It was injured by A Dong's slam, dizzy, and lost the ability to resist for a while. When it woke up, the fighting had stopped. It was so weak that it couldn't even break free from the sea vines that bound it. Around it, there are still many clan dragons who follow it, some of them are even unconscious now.

"Damn it, how dare these guys, dare to feed me ghost algae."

Ghost algae is a kind of poisonous seaweed. Fish will be poisoned to death if they eat it by mistake, and the cold dragon will cause symptoms of general weakness after eating it by mistake. This symptom will last at least for several days.

A Dong occupied the position of its patriarch, since it returned to the North Sea from the cold pool, A Dong was kind and tolerant to it on the surface, but in fact, it often tripped it secretly, and it was very clear in its heart.

It thought that Ah Dong didn't dare to do anything to it, at least not now. It seemed that what happened to Ah Xin gave it the courage to see Feilong's hope, and it didn't want this hope to be obtained by others first.

"Are you awake?" A Dong was not far away, and Han Jiao, the guard, saw that A Gu had woken up, so he went to report immediately.

Agu raised his tired eyes and looked at Adong coldly: "You think you can get the secret of incarnation by doing this? You underestimate me, Agu."

A Dong snorted coldly: "I know you are stubborn and not afraid of death, but are you afraid that your son will die? If your son dies, do you plan to soar up alone?"

(End of this chapter)

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