Chapter 1819

Chapter 1841

Agu's emotions immediately became agitated, and the anger in his eyes gushed out: "What do you want to do? If you dare to touch my son, I will let you die without a place to bury you."

A Dong snorted, "There is no place for burial? If I really die in your hands, what does it matter if I am buried or not? I am not one of those hypocritical human beings. Your rhetoric is useless to me."

"It's very simple to want your son to live. Tell me the secret of the incarnation, and I will let you go, and of course, your son."

Agu's impetuous heart gradually settled down. It seemed that Adong didn't know it. In fact, Agu didn't know the secret of incarnation. Adong thought he knew the secret, but he hadn't had time to practice it.

That's why it was so impatient to make a move, fearing that it would lose the opportunity.

A Gudao: "It's okay if you want to know, you have to let me go first, the secret of the incarnation cannot be explained clearly in a few words, it needs to be demonstrated to you, and I am like this now, how can I demonstrate it?"

A Dong naturally didn't believe it: "Don't come here, I'm not your idiot, you can use nonsense to fool me."

A Gudao: "Believe it or not, I have already said everything I can say, and the choice is yours."

A Dong's eyes narrowed slowly, and a dangerous light shot out from his eyes: "You really don't want to say?"

Agu hummed: "I have already said what I should say, if you don't believe it, what does it have to do with me?"

Obviously, Ah Dong has lost his patience.

It was not impatient in the past, on the contrary, it was a very patient cold dragon. In order to accomplish one thing, it can lay out hundreds of years, and it is also very tolerant. In order to achieve its goal, it can endure hundreds of years , the mind is very deep.

But at this time, it easily lost patience.

The secret of the incarnation is too tempting for it, it has no way to wait any longer, no way to pretend that it doesn't care.

A Dong raised its forelimbs, and its sharp, scimitar-like nails quickly slashed across Agu's beard, and the thick and long beard was cut off by it, and a cluster of dark red blood spread rapidly in the sea water.

Adong threw the Jiaoxiu to Ajiu who was following him: "Wrap this in seaweed and throw it into a town where humans live. I believe that if Axin sees this, he will definitely not stand by."

Agu was furious, roaring and wanted to rush at Adong, but unfortunately, with its current strength, it couldn't even get close to Adong's body.

Two junior cold dragons immediately stepped forward to control Agu, and tied him to a boulder on the bottom of the sea, making him unable to move.

Ajiu took Agu's cold beard and left the bottom of the sea. After landing, it ran all the way to the distant town. There were no pedestrians on the road. It was not until it approached the city gate that a few pedestrians in a hurry were seen from a distance. .

Those passers-by saw it from a distance, and the woman fainted as soon as she rolled her eyes.The man was so frightened that he ran away desperately, and even the guards of the city fled without a trace when they saw it.

Ajiu is very happy, it seems that there are really a lot of humans here, and today they can have a full meal again.

It swaggered into the city, watching those humans in the city screaming and fleeing in all directions, it was extremely proud, this is the correct reaction of humans seeing the cold dragon.

How can these low-energy and cowardly human beings deserve to compete with them. Such a great country should be dominated by them, not these weak human beings like ants.

In just a short while, it has devoured two human beings. As long as they can run, they all run and escape desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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