Chapter 1820

Chapter 1842

Yun Tian who was meditating in the inn suddenly opened his eyes, and his ears moved, as if he heard something unusual.

Mo Li rushed into the room at this time, Wan Kun was not in the room, and he looked anxious.

Yun Tian asked: "What happened?"

Mo Li said: "I just received a report that a cold dragon broke into the city gate and is wreaking havoc in the city. It has already eaten several people. Where is Wan Kun?"

Yun Tian's complexion immediately became very ugly, and the palms that were originally lying flat on his knees suddenly clenched into fists.

At this time, another guard broke in: "Vice Commander Mo, Master Hou asked me to inform you that you should hurry up and take someone to Wuning Street to support him. He just received kerosene from Ziyuan County. Let's go together Let's work together to deal with sea monsters."

Mo Li was overjoyed: "It's good to have kerosene, this nasty sea monster, let's make it come and go today, let's go!"

Mo Li and all the guards in the inn rushed to Wuning Street together.

There is a huge martial arts arena on Wuning Street, which has been abandoned for many years, but it was unexpectedly put to great use today.

Wan Kun ordered people to use kerosene to draw a big circle in the martial arts arena. As long as the sea monster enters the circle and ignites the kerosene, it will have nowhere to escape. At that time, they will attack it with rockets. How to retreat.

Wan Kun handed over the task assigned now to Li Li, "You let someone hide on the turret with a rocket, wait for me to attract Han Jiao, and watch my order to launch the arrow."

Mo Li was shocked: "Master Hou, absolutely not, you have a noble status, just leave it to me to lure the sea monster, that sea monster is fierce, if you—"

Wan Kun waved his hand: "Don't argue with me, I have made up my mind, follow my orders and act." Among the attendants present, in terms of martial arts, he is the highest, and in terms of lightness skills, even the three Mo Li can't compare with him, Mo Li Que , can only be sent to die, he goes, maybe there is still a chance.

It's a pity that Yuntian was injured, if Yuntian was there, things would be more certain.

Wan Kun rode out of the martial arts arena on horseback. On the main street, he saw from afar that the fierce dragon was destroying houses on both sides of the street, catching people who had not had time to escape from the houses, and devouring them in one gulp. .

He quickly drew the bow and set the arrow, and fired three arrows in a row.

The Frost Dragon was very fast, it easily dodged the first arrow, but it didn't expect that the second arrow was already approaching as soon as it dodged the first arrow. The third arrow also arrived in front of it, it had no time to dodge, the sharp iron arrow pierced into its eyes, dark red blood splashed out, and the ferocious roar of the beast resounded through the sky.

It glared furiously at the human beings in the distance, the young man in a brocade suit flying in the wind.

"Damn human, I will tear you apart." It frantically rushed at the human who shot it blind.

Immediately, Wan Kun used the Golden Cicada Footwork to rush to the martial arts arena. He was very good at lightness kung fu, and with the mysterious Golden Cicada Footwork, Han Jiao couldn't resist him for a while.

When he entered the martial arts arena, Ajiu rushed forward and was about to pin down Wan Kun.

If Wan Kun was really crushed by it, even if he would not be crushed to pieces, he would be crushed into a piece of meatloaf.

Seeing this, a group of guards ambushing on the square turret was about to rush out to save people, but they saw a white shadow rushing into the martial arts arena, as if a god descended, and punched Ajiu's body.

Coincidentally, Ajiu happened to be blasted into the kerosene circle that had been formed earlier.

A package of things wrapped in seaweed fell in front of Yun Tian's feet.

(End of this chapter)

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