Chapter 1821

Chapter 1843

When Wan Kun's crisis was resolved, he saw the opportunity and quickly signaled to Li Li.

Immediately, dozens of flaming rockets covered in kerosene fired into the martial arts arena, and the kerosene surrounding the cold dragon immediately ignited. Ajiu, who had suffered internal injuries and injured his eyes, struggled to stand up. He wanted to escape, but there was no way to escape. The fiery flame was so terrifying that it didn't even dare to get close to the flame. Waves of heat rushed towards it, and it circled around in the circle of fire helplessly and desperately. Dawu's four legs were actually limp at this time, the scorching heat of the flames made its jiao skin begin to split, and the tearing pain made it howl endlessly.

Wan Kun immediately gave the order to Mo Li and the others to attack again. A dozen rockets shot into the circle of fire again, two of them just pierced into Lu Jiao's cracked flesh, and the dark red blood was actually ignited by the flames. In an instant, the cold dragon turned into a fire dragon full of lust, and its tragic howl resounded through the sky of Shangli City. Even the cold dragons far away in the deep sea seemed to have heard its miserable howl.

The fire burned more and more vigorously, and the howling sound became weaker and weaker, until it returned to the general deathly silence.

Facing such flames, even Yun Tian, ​​who had already turned into a human, was afraid in his heart. He didn't dare to approach him, and he didn't want to save the Frost Dragon. When you prey on humans, you should think that humans will fight back. Even if you want to trample an ant on the ground to death, as long as it is not dead, it can bite the sole of your foot.

What's more, it's not ants that deal with it, but humans, who are the masters of this world.

The reason why human beings can become the masters of this world is by no means accidental, but inevitable. Their strength is unimaginable and immeasurable.

He took a step back, lowered his gaze, and landed on the bag of seaweed on the ground. The soaring fire emitted scorching heat waves, which dried the wet seaweed, and the large seaweed continued to shrink, revealing sections of brown Flesh.

Yuntian's complexion changed drastically, he quickly picked up the things on the ground, and peeled away the half-dried seaweed, revealing a thick and thick beard.

Such thick beards are only possessed by adult beards, and the breath on them is the most familiar smell, so you don't need to smell it carefully to know who this beard belongs to.

His complexion changed drastically, and his icy gaze fell on the middle of the fire circle. The Frost Flood Dragon had already made no sound. In the raging fire, its originally extremely long lifespan was quickly exhausted until it died.

It seems that my father is in trouble, I don't know if it is my father's bitter plan, or it is really in trouble.

As a son, no matter what it is, he can't pretend that nothing happened.

Wan Kun walked towards him, saw that he was holding something strange in his hand, and was in a daze, so he hurriedly asked, "What is this?"

Yun Tian came back to his senses, and said with a bitter face: "This is the beard of a dragon, the beard of a cold dragon."

Wan Kun suddenly said, "No wonder the face looks familiar. This thing is a treasure. My mother was seriously ill back then, and it was this medicine that saved her life."

Yun Tian naturally knew about this, the cold beard that his mother used to save her life was cut off by him himself, it was his own beard.

Yuntian handed the jiaoxu to Wan Kun: "You are a doctor, let's make this into medicine. It's good to save people, it's better than wasting it." Anyway, it has been cut off, and as far as his father is concerned, this thing is already It's useless, just take it as an atonement for him.

(End of this chapter)

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