Chapter 1822

Chapter 1844

After Wan Kun took it, Yun Tian said to Wan Kun, "I'm going to do something, maybe I won't come back, don't look for me, remember my words, no matter what happens in the ice field, you don't want to take risks." , defend this city, if there are cold dragons coming in to prey on the people, you can kill them with your fire oil tactics, if they don't come to invade humans again, I hope you can let them go, don't chase after the past, When is the time for retribution?"

Wan Kun was stunned, what happened to Yun Tian?The words he said were strange, like last words, and as if he knew what was going to happen.

He wanted to ask, but Yun Tian had already turned around and left, not giving him a chance to ask.

When the fire in the martial arts field was extinguished, the huge cold dragon was also burned to ashes. In the ashes, Wan Kun found a bright dragon bead and a dark yellow dragon pill. These are treasures. , naturally cannot be wasted.

When we returned to the inn, the sky had already darkened. The more Wan Kun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. What on earth was Yun Tian going to do?Why not let him go to him?

Could it be that he went to the ice region alone again?


When Yun Tian walked to the beach step by step, the red sun was slowly sinking from the sea level. Today is not the day of the full [-]th month. He cannot enter the sea as a cold dragon, but can only enter the sea as a human being.

If he enters the sea in the form of a cold dragon, he can at least not be discovered by other clan dragons until he finds his father, but now that he enters the sea in the appearance of a human, he may be discovered before he picks them up.

He didn't think much, no matter how bad the situation was, he would never back down.

No matter what price he will pay, this is what he owes his father, he is his father's son, and he should do what he should do.

He took off his outer shirt, threw it on the beach, took off his boots, and walked towards the waves with bare feet.

His body was immersed in the cold sea water, his eyes began to change slowly, a pair of blue eyes, a human being who can breathe freely on the bottom of the sea.

Ah Chang rushed to the patriarch who was closing his eyes and meditating: "Patriarch, Ajiu hasn't come back yet, could the scream just now belong to Ajiu?"

The patriarch didn't even raise his eyelids: "Impossible, how can humans be so capable? Ajiu is not easy to mess with. With those soft-footed humans, how can we get Ajiu?"

Ah Chang was still very worried: "Then I'll go to the shore and wait for it."

The patriarch didn't make a sound, still closed his eyes and meditated.

Ah Chang turned around and swam away. Not long after, it rushed back: "Patriarch, big, something is wrong."

A Dong finally raised his eyelids, and stared at A Chang coldly: "Say what you want, what are you doing in such a panic?"

A Chang said: "He, he, he is here, but, but Ajiu hasn't come back yet, something must have happened to Ajiu, something must have happened!"

A Dong hurriedly asked: "What does he mean by coming? Who is here?"

"That's right, it's that human, that blue-eyed human, you said he was the son of Elder Agu, that's him."

A Dong immediately became excited, Jiaowei shook happily, stirring up waves.

"Very good, he really came. My guess is right. He is Ashin. It seems that my plan is about to succeed." A Dong turned his head and stared at A Chang: "Where did he go?"

A Chang said: "He went to the place where Elder Agu was imprisoned. He caught a defensive Frost Dragon to guide him, and he has already passed."

A Dong snorted coldly: "It's not a small skill. It seems that after becoming an adult, his skills have not been weakened at all."

(End of this chapter)

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