Chapter 1824

Chapter 1846

A Dong glanced at them coldly: "Yes or no, you still can't see clearly? If not, why does he appear here as a human being?"

The two elders asked again: "What happened to Agu's beard? I heard that Ajiu was sent out by you and never came back. Did you really let it enter a human town?"

A Dong's voice became a little colder: "So what? But let it send a letter, is there any problem?"

Yun Tian took over the conversation and said: "The problem is serious. The cold dragon you sent out has now become a pile of ashes. It was you who killed it. If you didn't try your best to lure me here, then Even Xiao Hanjiao, who is not yet an adult, will not die so tragically."

Adong was furious: "This is impossible. With Ajiu's ability, how can a mere human being kill him." It turned to stare at Yuntian: "Is it you, besides you, who else has such ability?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "It's not me, it's Huo."

The young cold dragons may not know what fire means to them, they have never experienced it, and they have never even seen the appearance of fire.

But those old Han Jiaos who were getting older, their faces changed when they heard the fire.

At the same time, they also know that fire is the nemesis of cold flood dragons, their skin is very tough, not afraid of cold, but afraid of fire.

This is also the biggest reason why they always live on the bottom of the sea and refuse to go to the shore.

Those humans on the shore, although not strong enough, are very good at using fire. In the fierce battle more than 1000 years ago, their Hanjiao clan was defeated by fire. In that battle, they lost many clans. In the war, their Hanjiao clan has never grown stronger, and the number of Hanjiao has been continuously decreasing.

As the head of the patriarch, Adong, although he has not experienced all these ancient things, he has heard of them and knows that fire is his nemesis, but he did not expect that when Ajiu first entered the city, he was killed. Humans were killed with fire attacks.

A Dong stared at Yuntian: "Human life is only a few dozen years, and in the past thousand years, there has never been a war between humans and dragons in the world. It is impossible for them to know about the fire. It must be you, right? "

Yun Tian shook his head: "You look down on human beings too much. Although human beings cannot live for hundreds of thousands of years like Han Jiao, their words and legends can be passed down from generation to generation. Not to mention thousands of years, even ten thousand years, nothing is impossible. of."

"It's not without reason why the Hanjiao tribe can only live in Haiti, while humans rule the entire continent. Their wisdom and hard work are beyond your imagination."

A Dong roared: "Don't think that you can teach us a lesson in a human tone after being a human for a few days. When I become a dragon, I will turn the entire continent occupied by humans into a vast ocean. By then , I want to see who is the real master."

Yun Tian shook his head, his eyes were firm, "You won't get what you want, even if I die, I will never let you get what you want."

A Dong's eyes fell on A Gu who was behind him: "Really? Even if it's the price of your father's life?"

Yun Tian frowned: "Even if my father did something wrong, human beings will punish it, it's not your turn to deal with it."

"Whether it's a turn or not, it doesn't matter what you say, I'm the patriarch, I have the final say." After saying that, A Dong swept his tail, and a huge water ball rushed towards the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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