Chapter 1825

Chapter 1847

Yun Tian stretched out his hand, and released a powerful force from his palm, which transformed into a water polo, an even bigger water polo.

Yuntian's water polo collided with Patriarch Adong's water polo, and there was a loud bang. Yuntian's water polo smashed Patriarch Adong's water polo into pieces, and instantly assimilated into the sea water. Another water polo that was also smashed into pieces , turned into dozens of small water balls, quickly plundering towards the leader of Adong and other clans.

A Dong swung his long tail again, and the water polo hit the water polo hard, smashing them to pieces, but the strong residual force still shocked A Dong very much.

I heard that he could injure a Frost Flood Dragon with a single punch, and I thought it was a bit exaggerated. Those Frost Flood Dragons who lost must have exaggerated his strength deliberately, so as not to be ridiculed by their own race because of being injured by humans.

Only now did it know that the previous evaluations were not exaggerated, and even exceeded their evaluations.

"Ashin, it seems that you have another adventure after incarnation, and your strength is so powerful." Adong's heart began to beat. With its power, he might not be able to take down Ashin, and the clan dragons behind him, at least Half of them are the elders of the clan. They are all loyal supporters of the former patriarch. Now they know that the human being in front of them is Ashin. It may be even more difficult for them to fight together. The rest are useless guys. Can't count on it.

Yun Tian snorted coldly, "Whether you have any adventures or not has nothing to do with you, you take care of yourself, it's best to get out of the way now, otherwise, don't blame me for disregarding kinship."

A Dong said: "Ashin, you also know that we are of the same clan. If so, why not tell the secret of the incarnation and share it with everyone, wouldn't it be better?"

Yun Tian shook his head: "Impossible, I was able to see through the way of heaven, relying on my own chance, if you haven't been able to see through the way of heaven, it means that you haven't waited for this kind of opportunity, and the time has not come yet, since the time has not come, I will How can you pierce the way of heaven without authorization and let you and others do whatever you want?"

A Dongdao: "Xin, that's not what you said. Since we can meet at the bottom of the sea, this is a chance. Even if your chance is different from ours, we have met and let us know the secret." , this is our chance."

Yun Tian shook his head: "You don't understand what the opportunity I'm talking about, don't talk nonsense, you can either fight or retreat, don't say anything else."

Ah Dong's patience was also gradually exhausted, and he had run out of good and bad words, but Ah Xin remained indifferent.

A Dong's eyes fell on A Gu, and he said: "A Xin, you have to know that A Gu has been poisoned and is weak. If you want to take him away, it will be even more difficult. Even if you have the ability to take him away It's gone, but there are still these clan dragons who followed your father, do you want to give them up? Do you know what will happen to them after giving up them?"

Agu was furious: "Adong, I never expected that you would be so despicable. What does this matter have to do with them? You don't want to use them to threaten our father and son."

Adong took a few steps forward, his voice became more and more cold: "What's the matter? Don't even think about it. I have been the patriarch here for hundreds of years, and they have always been my subordinates. They are only my orders, but since you After they came back, they began to obey your orders, and they only obeyed your orders, and they didn't even pay attention to me, the patriarch, do you think I really don't care?"

(End of this chapter)

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