Chapter 1826

Chapter 1848

When the cold dragons who had no master at first heard this, they panicked even more, and they begged Agu one after another: "Elder Agu, save us, we have always been loyal to you, you said something, we never dared to say something, please! You see, for the sake of our daily loyalty to you, please save us."

Agu looked at his son in embarrassment. At the beginning, he didn't know the strength of Ashin. He thought that Ashin would lose the wind when facing Adong, so he was very anxious and hoped that Axin would leave quickly, but just now Axin and Adong Fighting against each other, with just one move, it can see that Ashin's strength is better than that of Adong. With his strength, it is not difficult to take it out of the prison and avoid it elsewhere, but if you want to get rid of all the trapped I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to take away the cold flood.

Yun Tiandao: "Father, I am willing to stay and bear everything with you, but I will never tell anyone the secret of my incarnation, including you."

Agu naturally wants to get the secret of the incarnation, but now is not the time to worry about these things. He only wants to escape the danger for himself and his son. As for the secret of the incarnation, as long as he survives, he will know sooner or later.

"It's okay to stay, you have to defeat him, otherwise, we all have to die here."

They were poisoned, and although the poison would not kill them immediately, it would only make them lose their strength temporarily, but if they did not take the detoxified Ice Yuan Fruit within three days, their strength would disappear forever, and the The toxins could never be eliminated, and eventually they would continue to accumulate in their bodies, eating away their life little by little. In a short period of time, they would rapidly age and die.

Three days, now one day has passed, they only have two days left, they must consume the ice fruit within two days, otherwise, it will be too late.

If they want to have a chance to find Bingyuanguo, they can only defeat Adong in front of them, or even kill it, so that they will have a chance to find Bingyuanguo.

Yun Tian also thought of this, a life-and-death fight with Ah Dong was inevitable.

Adong seems to be very fatherly, and he wants to get the secret of the incarnation of Han Jiao wholeheartedly, so it must do it.

Ah Dong made a preemptive strike. This time, it no longer waved its tail from far away, but pounced on Ah Xin. Letter knocked down.

Yun Tian has been paying attention to A Dong all the time, and when he saw the abnormal movement in its chest and abdomen, he knew that A Dong was gathering strength.

As a Frost Flood Dragon, he is born with great strength. In normal fights, he can unleash enormous power without deliberate concentration.

But when encountering a really powerful opponent, if you want to knock the opponent down with one blow, it is far from enough to rely on an instant burst of strength, which requires concentrated strength.

It was the same with Yuntian in the past, but now Yuntian is different. He is now a human being, and his body structure is different from that of Han Jiao. He does not need to gather strength to make a move, and the strength in his body can be deployed at will.

Yun Tian met the attack, not daring to be careless in the slightest, and also tried his best to throw out a punch, which hit A Dong's head heavily.

Han Jiao's head is very hard, except for the eyes, even an extremely sharp sword cannot pierce through it.

But Yun Tian was not afraid of this kind of hardness, he punched A Dong in the face, and at this time A Dong also slapped his palm on Yun Tian's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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