Chapter 1827

Chapter 1849

A'Dong's huge body flew backwards quickly until it hit the group of Han Jiao's subordinates.

And Yun Tian was also slapped by A Dong's palm until he retreated more than ten steps before standing still, the heat wave in his chest was surging, and he swallowed the blood that almost overflowed his mouth.

However, A Dong failed to swallow the mouthful. When he opened his mouth, the sea water in front of him was stained red with blood. The pain made it almost impossible to use the second move.

After a little breath adjustment, Ah Xin stepped on the water and walked towards Ah Dong in the distance. He must end this battle as soon as possible. Only by ending this battle can he save his father.

A Dong wanted to continue to fight, but when it moved, its internal organs were in pain like a fire. Most of the internal energy in the Jiaodan had been consumed, and it was not sure to take another move from the opponent, even if it was a move.

Ah Dong looked at Ah Xin who was walking towards it step by step, and suddenly said: "A Xin, if you want to save your father's life, you'd better stop."

Yun Tian stopped as he said, and looked at A Dong who was like a hill from ten feet away: "It seems that you plan to call a truce."

A Dong snorted coldly: "I am not your opponent, you are very clear, if you continue to fight, it will not benefit me, I am also very clear about this."

"So?" Yun Tian raised his eyebrows.

Adong cast his cold eyes on Agu, and said: "You must want to defeat me as soon as possible, so that you can take your father to find the Bingyuan fruit to detoxify, heh——I forgot to tell you that this year, all the Bingyuan fruits in the Jiyu fruited I picked 36 fruits, coincidentally, I went to Jiyu the day before yesterday, and saw that the Bingyuan fruits were all ripe and looked really good, so I picked them all back, and now they are hidden in a place where no one can find them. "

Agu's complexion changed suddenly: "You are shameless, you have picked all the ice fruit, then next year, there will be no more ice fruit in Jiyu, where can you find the antidote for the cold dragon that is accidentally poisoned in the future? "

But A Dong said: "Agu, what you said is wrong. We are cold dragons now, yes, but as long as your son hand over the secret of the incarnation, will we still be cold dragons in the future? We still need it Can I hide in this cold seabed for the rest of my life? Can I become a dragon, a more noble dragon family, or even a human being, a dragon among men who is powerful enough to rule the entire human world? Do we still need something like Bingyuan Fruit?"

All the cold dragons were moved by it, and all eyes focused on Yun Tian in an instant.

Yun Tian shook his head: "There is reincarnation in the way of heaven, people have their own destiny, and things have their destiny. The reason why I can become a human is because I met my chance. There is no secret of incarnation in this world. I just met some Things, so that the epiphany has penetrated some Taoist rules. Such Taoist rules may not be suitable for you. If you want to become an incarnation, you need to comprehend it yourself, instead of relying on forced external forces. This kind of external force is for you. , may not be good."

An elder behind A Dong stepped forward. He is the oldest Han Jiao in the Han Jiao clan and the most trusted partner of the former patriarch.

It has always talked little and never participated in any disputes. After Agu came back, it did not show favor to Agu, nor did it help Adong to trip Agu in secret. Its position has never been clear, or maybe it has never been. Nothing has changed.

In its heart, the old patriarch who passed away is the only patriarch in its heart.

(End of this chapter)

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