Chapter 1828

Chapter 1850

But today, it knows that it can no longer remain silent, it must stand up and say something.

"Adong, listen to me."

A Dong looked sideways at it, his eyes became colder and colder: "Elder A Yuan? What do you want to say?"

A Yuandao: "When Patriarch Ah Feng was still there, he once told me that when he saw Ashin for the first time, he felt that Ashin was different. What's the difference between blue eyes, it says it doesn't know, but it's a feeling, an obvious feeling."

"It also said that the Ruohan Jiao clan can really break through the barrier that cannot be broken one day, and the person who breaks through this barrier must be Ashin. It said that it saw many different things from Ashin's eyes. , something different from all the cold dragons, I think, this is the fundamental reason why Ashin can do it, but we can't."

A Yuan looked at A Dong with burning eyes: "I believe the same thing, the patriarch A Feng also told you, I wonder if you still remember it."

Remember, of course he remembered, even if there was a long period of time, it didn't remember, but at this time, it remembered.

But so what?
"What do you want to say? Just say it." A Dong was a little impatient.

A Yuan said: "I just want to say that Ashin is right. He can do it, but it doesn't mean we can do it too. The avatar looks good, but how much do you know about the danger?"

A Dong snorted coldly: "So what about the danger? There are no treasures that can be obtained easily in the world. If you want to become a noble dragon, how can you succeed without paying some price?"

A Yuan said: "This kind of price is meaningless. Ashin is right. Each has its own opportunity. We have lived on the bottom of the sea all our lives, and we have never been able to break through this barrier. This is our fate, Ashin. He broke through, that was his own chance, now you are using Agu’s life to force him to hand over his chance, this is an act of destroying the way of heaven, even if Ashin really reveals the secret of incarnation as you wish, I think you will definitely not succeed."

A Dong was extremely angry, the A Yuan in front of him was very much like the old patriarch of the past, that old thing always liked to reason in front of it, one set after another, he really thought that A Dong was a fool who didn't understand anything ?

"Shut up, don't forget, I am the patriarch, the future of the Frost Dragon Clan is decided by me, not by you."

A Yuan also turned up the volume: "Then use your own ability, why use this method of cannibalism to persecute Ashin?"

A Dong couldn't bear it anymore, it suddenly raised its long tail, and the huge dragon tail mixed with anger hit the unsuspecting A Yuan hard.

A Yuan was already old, and his strength was declining day by day. At this time, it was attacked by A Dong, and it almost fell apart.

A Yuan's body fell heavily beside A Gu, and A Gu was shocked. It never thought that A Yuan would stand up and speak for their father and son.

It believed that A Yuan and A Dong were in the same gang, and that they had together seized the patriarchal position like their father's, and their father's death was also inseparably related to them.

But at this moment, it is not clear about the situation. What is going on?

A Yuan wanted to stand up again, but it couldn't do it. It felt that its vitality was disappearing little by little, and it knew it was about to die.

Looking up at Agu not far away, it was weak and helpless and said: "Agu, you must not have thought of it?"

(End of this chapter)

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