Chapter 1829

Chapter 1851

A Gu didn't make a sound, and A Yuan said again: "You must have never thought that A Dong would attack me, because in your eyes, A Dong and I are in the same group, right?"

Agu nodded: "That's right, I really didn't expect that."

A Yuan's voice became weaker and weaker: "Agu, I have never betrayed your father. Your father's death is indeed strange, but because there is no evidence, I can't do anything. After you came back, the reason why I didn't get close to you is because Because, because Ah Dong secretly regards you as a thorn in his side, a thorn in his flesh, it always wants to get rid of you, and I stay by its side just to protect you."

"I promised your father that I would protect the lives of you and Ashin no matter what, but I didn't expect that at the end, I, I—" A Yuan didn't finish his words, and from its mouth, he kept spitting out Countless bubbles, until the bubbles disappear, its life has come to an end.

Agu wanted to step forward to check, but he tried his best, but he only moved a few steps.

It never thought that A Yuan would say this to it.

It thought that its father had long forgotten its son, and it thought that no one in the Hanjiao Clan remembered what Agu looked like in the past.

It thought that in the eyes of its father, it was just a traitor.

It turned out that my father never hated it, and my father always missed it.

At this moment, sadness is like a spring that has just been opened, constantly gushing out, endlessly.

Yun Tian looked at his father and said, "In the past, I never knew why our Hanjiao, in addition to being able to become a dragon, can also transform into a human being?"

"The Jiao clan and the Dragon clan are close relatives. It's not unusual to see through the secrets of the sky and jump up. It's not difficult to explain the mystery, but why can the cold dragon turn into a human? Jiao and human are so different, almost completely different from each other. biology."

"But we can do it. I didn't understand it before, but today, I understand that although Jiao and human are different in appearance, they have many similarities. Jiao and human are as empathetic. They like warm family affection and hate betrayal. , fidelity to a mate, with language like—”

"When I first became a human, I lived in the human world. Although I was not used to it at first, I learned it quickly. It was not as difficult as I imagined to integrate into that world. I gradually discovered that I am different from human beings except for the body. , there is no difference."

"So father, as long as you don't hate humans anymore, I can keep the Jiao clan safe for the rest of their lives."

Yun Tian focused on talking to his father, but he didn't expect that A Dong had already gathered his momentum, and when Yun Tian didn't check for a while, he would sneak up on him from behind.

Yun Tian turned his back to A Dong, and A Dong's speed was very fast, even if Yun Tian had sensed the surge of the water and knew that A Dong was attacking from behind, he wanted to dodge it, but it was too late.

Agu screamed: "Xin—be careful—dodge quickly—"


Shangli City

Just after midnight, there was a slapping sound from the closed city gate, and the guard who had fallen asleep got up cursing, and climbed up the tower in thick clothes, "Who is screaming down there? Do you know what time it is?"

Someone shouted: "Quickly open the door, Princess Huguo and Princess Changle are here."

The city guard was stunned, Princess Huguo and Princess Changle?These two princesses are far away in the capital city, how could they come to Shangli City suddenly?
He probed down to look down, but couldn't see anything clearly, so he asked loudly: "I don't know why the two princesses entered the city late at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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