Chapter 1831

Chapter 1853

Wan Kun couldn't fall asleep because he was worried about Yuntian, but when the shopkeeper knocked on the door suddenly, he jumped out of bed immediately, put on his shoes and rushed to the door, "What's the matter? Another sea monster has entered the city?"

The shopkeeper shook his head: "No, it's Princess Changle, Princess Changle is here."

Wan Kun was overjoyed: "She's here? Why is she here? Where's the person?" He stretched out his head to look outside, but saw nothing.

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Young master, Princess Changle heard that you are fine, she was so happy, she fainted, you, you should hurry down and have a look."

Passed out?

Wan Kun ran away, and swept downstairs like a gust of wind.

Qi Rongyue sat on the ground with her arms around Nianwen, and kept pressing her acupuncture points with one hand.

He rushed forward, "Mother, what's wrong with Wen'er?"

Qi Rongyue didn't stop pressing the acupuncture points, raised her eyes to Wan Kun and said, "Wen'er is pregnant, but I didn't realize it, I'm afraid she didn't even know it, and she ran all the way without closing her eyes for days and nights, my child, I'm afraid I can't keep it." Qi Rongyue's heart ached, this was Wen'er and Kun'er's first child, but——

Wan Kun pulled Nianwen's wrist with trembling hands, and checked her pulse, probably because he was too panicked, he couldn't find anything after checking for a long time, he was confused and at a loss.

Qi Rongyue said: "It's cold here, take her to the room first."

Wan Kun hurriedly took Wen'er from Qi Rongyue's arms, picked her up horizontally, ran upstairs quickly, and placed her on his bed.

He took her pulse again. At this time, his flustered heart calmed down a little. He put his finger on Wen'er's wrist and listened for a while. Sure enough, as his mother said, Wen'er was pregnant. It was less than two months. When the fetus is most vulnerable, but at this time, she has been galloping for days and nights, and it is already a miracle that she can survive until now.

But even if it lasted until now, it was useless, there was already a sign of a slippery tire, and even doctors like him and his mother were unable to keep the baby.

He held Wen'er's cold hand, rubbed it vigorously, and blew the hot air from his mouth into her palm, hot tears fell one by one, and landed on the back of her hand.

Qi Rongyue choked up and patted Wan Kun's shoulder, saying: "Kun'er, it's okay if the baby is lost, you are still young, you will still have a chance, don't tell Wen'er, don't be too sad when you have a miscarriage."

Wan Kun nodded, tears couldn't stop, how much he wanted to keep this child, this is his and Wen'er's child.

Their child hadn't had time to take a look at the world, and even his mother didn't know he had been here.

At noon the next day, the sun in Beihai was very light, and the wind was very cool. There was a charcoal pot burning in the room, and it was as warm as spring when it came in from the outside.

When she woke up after reading the text, she still felt very cold. When she saw Wan Kun sitting in a daze by the desk in the room, her body felt so warm. There, white air was continuously exhaled from his mouth.

He looks haggard, red eyes, up all night?

"Wan Kun!" She called him, her voice hoarse.

Wan Kun came back to his senses, and saw that Nianwen on the bed had woken up. He looked happy, and rushed to the side of the bed, helped her sit up, and tucked the soft pillow behind her waist.

"You are awake. You have slept for a long time."

Nianwen smiled sweetly, and glanced at the teapot on the table in the room: "I'm thirsty."

"You wait, I'll pour you water right now." He hurried to the table, took a small pot and poured out a cup of warm tea.

(End of this chapter)

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