Chapter 1832

Chapter 1854

"There's no good tea from Kyoto here, it's just coarse tea, you can just drink it." He brought the warm tea to her.

Nianwen gave him a reproachful look: "When did I care about this?"

Wan Kun laughed dryly, yes, when did she care about this?He just didn't know what to say to her, and he was too sad, so he talked without words.

After Nian Wen drank half a cup of tea, her throat felt much more comfortable, and then she raised her eyes to look at Wan Kun in front of her carefully. She reached out and touched his stubble-covered chin, and frowned, "What's wrong with you? Don't scratch, you never did this before."

Wan Kun grabbed her hand and said with a smile: "I want to know you will come, I will definitely shave my beard to welcome you, whoever made you come suddenly, caught me by surprise."

Nian Wen was amused by him: "You have to be caught like this to discover the real you. It turns out that the neat and tidy you used to be are all fakes."

Wan Kun kissed the back of her hand, and said softly: "Fool, even if you miss me again, you don't have to rush here so desperately. What if you get sick all the way?"

Read the text and shook her head, "I'm not afraid, as long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything." She will never forget that when she received that letter, she felt that the sky was about to collapse, she couldn't think of anything, she just wanted to rush to the hospital immediately. Come to his side, even if it is death, I will die with him.

Fortunately, God has eyes, he is fine, he is not at all.

"What happened before? Why did I receive the news that you were dying in Kyoto?" she asked.

Wan Kun said: "I did encounter danger once before, and I was indeed dying. Guess who saved me?"

Read the text and shook her head: "How could I have guessed this, tell me!" Wan Kun successfully aroused her curiosity.

He no longer pretended to be mysterious, and said directly: "It was Yuntian. Yuntian rescued me from the belly of a cold dragon. The shopkeeper said, when Yuntian brought me back, I was already out of breath. I don't know what method that guy Yuntian used to save me."

Qi Rongyue just walked outside the door, and when she heard Wan Kun's words, she quickly pushed the door open and asked Wan Kun anxiously, "What did you just say? Yuntian saved you? From the belly of a cold dragon?"

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, the so-called sea monster cannibalism is actually the cold dragon cannibalism. I met Yuntian on the first day I came to Shangli City, and he had just arrived from other places at that time."

Qi Rongyue asked again: "What's going on? Tell me the whole story soon."

Wan Kun told Qi Rongyue and Nianwen one by one what happened after he came to Shangli City.

Qi Rongyue's complexion changed again and again, and she was very anxious. It seemed that Yun Tian also knew that the cannibals were Hanjiao, so he rushed over, trying to stop them.

"Where is Yuntian now?" Qi Rongyue asked.

Wan Kun shook his head: "I don't know either. Ever since he helped me kill a dragonfly in the martial arts field yesterday, he said some strange words and then disappeared suddenly, and I don't know where he went."

Qi Rongyue roughly guessed where he would go, the Hanjiao clan must be his mother clan, he can't sit idly by, especially after humans have found a way to kill the Hanjiao.

"After he left, is there any change in the ice field?" Qi Rongyue asked.

Wan Kun hurriedly said: "You also suspect that he went to the ice region?"

"Also?" Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows.

Wan Kun said: "Actually, I also suspect that he went to the Ice Region. His behavior is a bit weird, he always goes to the Ice Region alone, but with his ability, even if he meets a cold dragon in the Ice Region, he should be fine. !"

(End of this chapter)

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