Chapter 1833

Chapter 1855

Qi Rongyue didn't think so, she knew Yuntian's identity, and because of his identity, he was very likely to be in danger in the ice region, and he must have sensed something was wrong when he left in such a hurry.

Han Jiao suddenly entered the city, and there was only one Han Jiao, so things were obviously not as simple as what they saw.

There must be something inside Yun Tian's sudden departure.

"Mother, what are you thinking?" Wan Kun couldn't help asking when she saw that her expression was changing.

Qi Rongyue regained consciousness, her eyes full of worry: "I hope my worries are unnecessary, let's wait and see, Yuntian might come back by himself in two days."

Wan Kun nodded: "That's right, Yun Tian has always acted mysteriously. If he wants to come back, he will come back naturally. If he doesn't want to come back, we may not be able to find him."

Nianwen secretly looked at her mother's face, but never said a word. Yuntian is a friend she valued very much. Now that Yuntian is missing, she is also very anxious, but her mother's face looks very strange, as if she knows something, but she is not too sure. To put it bluntly, it was very painful to endure.

"Wan Kun, I'm hungry and want to eat your Yangchun noodles." She said to Wan Kun.

Wan Kun smiled and said, "You, you didn't eat well on the way, no wonder you're hungry, just wait, I'll go and get it for you right now."

Wan Kun felt sorry for Wen'er, so he didn't think much about it, got up and went out.

When the door opened, a gust of cold wind poured in, and she suddenly felt a little cold, which was so strange, she hadn't known what it was like to be cold for a long time.

It seems that since she got to know Yun Tian, ​​she has never been cold. Even in the twelfth lunar month of winter, she would not feel cold even if she only wore a thin shirt. What happened today?
Qi Rongyue stepped forward quickly, and pulled up the brocade quilt covering her waist: "Is it cold?"

Nian Wen nodded with a smile: "A little bit!" She grabbed the brocade quilt with one hand and held her mother's hand with the other: "Mother, you know something, don't you?"

Qi Rongyue was puzzled: "Know what? What do you mean?"

"Yuntian, you must know something about Yuntian." Ever since she was in the capital, when the mother saw the letter, she changed completely. It was not just because she was worried that Wan Kun was so simple. with a secret.

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Mother, you must know what I'm talking about. Yun Tian's life experience is very mysterious, even Wan Kun can't find out why."

She raised her eyes and looked at her mother: "Yuntian is cold to everyone, except me, he never puts anyone in his eyes, until you appear, he seems to treat you differently from others, I have seen it several times You are talking, mysteriously, asking you, but you are not willing to tell me what you said, Yuntian never hides anything from me, what is the secret between you? Do you know Yuntian's life experience? "

Qi Rongyue frowned and shook her head: "What nonsense are you talking about? What secret did Yuntian and I have? He just wanted to curry favor with me and win your heart. It's a pity that King Xiang has a dream, but the goddess has no heart. , He worked so hard, but in the end it was all in vain, I can't bear to see him sad, I just persuade him from time to time, otherwise, you think he would leave the capital so suddenly to fulfill you and Wan Kun, whose credit is this?"

Qi Rongyue argued very hard and deliberately, which was really different from her usually calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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