Chapter 1834

Chapter 1856

The more she behaved like this, the more skeptical Nian Wen became.

"Mother, just tell me the truth, who is Yuntian, why can't even Wan Kun find out his identity, why does he respect you so much differently from others, there must be some reason for this That's right."

As expected, she is Qi Rongyue's daughter, and her thinking is more agile than she imagined.

But because of her relationship with Yuntian, if she knew that Yuntian might be in a dangerous situation at this time, she might not be able to sit idly by, no, she couldn't tell her that she had just had a miscarriage, and no matter what she did, it would be inappropriate.

Qi Rongyue said: "The reason is very simple, because I am your mother, if he likes you, he naturally loves me as much as I do, and respects me quite a bit, isn't this normal?"

It is a very reasonable reason, but Nianwen always feels that things are not as simple as mother said.

"Okay, don't think too much, take a good rest, look, you are tired, your little face has lost a lot of weight." Rong Yue touched her daughter's face distressedly, and forced herself to suppress the sadness in her heart. Got it, how sad should it be?

It's also strange to read the text: "It's strange to say that I think my body is stronger than ordinary people. It is not uncommon for me to drive for several days and nights without sleep before, but I am not as tired as this time, and I even passed out. , let me take a look." She said and went to make a name for herself.

When Rongyue saw her, she hurriedly grabbed her hand, "Look at you, your hands are blue from freezing, like lumps of ice, quickly cover them." She stuffed her hands into the quilt, and said: "You , I was too worried about Kun'er, and my heart was strained along the way, and my spirit was tense. In addition to the fatigue of the day and night, when you heard that Kun'er was fine, your tense spirit instantly relaxed, and people It just fell down naturally, which is quite normal, there is nothing difficult to understand, you don't think about anything now, take a good rest, and take care of yourself early, so that Kun'er won't worry about you."

The mother and daughter were talking, and Wan Kun came back with a hot face.

Read the text and wanted to get out of bed, Wan Kun rushed forward: "Don't, don't get down, I'll feed you."

Wen'er's pretty face turned red, and she glanced at her mother beside her: "No need, I'll just eat it myself."

Wan Kun refused: "No, I have to feed you, so mother won't laugh at us. I remember father feeding mother more than once."

Qi Rongyue got up with a smile, and gave Wan Kun the seat beside the bed: "Hey, hey, I'm more happy than anyone else to see you young couple loving each other."

She sat at a table beside her and picked up the book Wan Kun was reading earlier.

She had only eaten half a bowl of noodles, before Rong Yue could understand the book in her hand, there were hurried footsteps outside again.

Mo Cong rushed in and shouted to Qi Rongyue and Wan Kun: "The big thing is bad, there is a vision in the North Sea, the originally calm sea suddenly had big waves, it really is no wind and waves, the waves have swallowed In several fishing villages, the sea water is constantly rising, and they are rushing towards Shangli City."

The book in Qi Rongyue's hand fell on the table and stood up with a whoosh. How long will it take for the waves to reach Shangli City?
Mo Cong shook his head, "I don't know, the water rises quickly, but sometimes it will retreat a little bit, and it is uncertain when it will rush to Shangli City."

Qi Rongyue and Wan Kun looked at each other, and said decisively: "Now lead people to mobilize the people in the whole city, lead them to evacuate first, try to go as high as possible, and be quick."

(End of this chapter)

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