Chapter 1835

Chapter 1857

Wan Kun helped Nianwen get out of bed: "You go too, you go with them."

Read the text and shook his head: "No, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. If you want to go, go together, if you want to stay together, stay together."

Qi Rongyue rushed out of the room, saw the shopkeeper hurriedly approaching them, and hurriedly asked: "Shopkeeper, has this kind of thing happened before?"

The shopkeeper turned pale, and waved his hands again and again: "This has never happened before, and I haven't even heard of it. Could it be because we killed a sea monster yesterday and angered the Sea God, so the Sea God brought disaster to us?" ?”

Qi Rongyue grimaced and said: "Don't talk nonsense, there's no such thing, you hurry up and leave with the people in the inn, leave the city immediately, and run to a higher place."

Nian Wen and Wan Kun came out of the room, seeing Qi Rongyue's thoughtful face, Nian Wen hurriedly said: "Mother, do you know something? It's already at this point, why don't you still say it? "

Wan Kun looked at Qi Rongyue in surprise: "Mother, do you know about this?"

Qi Rongyue let out a long sigh, and said to Mo Cong who was at the side: "Go and do your work first."

Mo Cong went in response, Qi Rongyue pushed Wan Kun and Nianwen into the room, closed the door, and pulled them to sit down, "There are some things that I planned to rot in my stomach for the rest of my life and bring them to the grave." , but at this time, it seems that I have to say it."

He was very anxious to read the text: "Mother, don't be foolish, just tell me."

Qi Rongyue said: "Yuntian, he is the Hanjiao in Funiu Mountain. When he was saving Wen'er, he got inspiration from Wen'er, saw through the way of heaven, broke through the difficulty that the Hanjiao tribe always thought, and obtained Knowing the secret of the incarnation, he originally had the opportunity to become a dragon and become a member of the noble dragon clan, but he gave up this opportunity because of Wen'er, and turned into a human being instead, becoming a human being."

Nian Wen and Wan Kun listened to these words in a daze, the shock in their hearts was more shocking than knowing that there are sea monsters in this world.

The man who used to get along with them day and night turned out to be a cold dragon. . .

Qi Rongyue said: "Yuntian is different from other cold dragons, you shouldn't look at him with colored eyes, he is kind-hearted and pure, better than most people in our human world."

"This time when the Beihai incident happened, he was able to come here. I guess he came here to resolve this dispute."

Wan Kun said anxiously: "No wonder he was able to rescue me from the belly of the cold dragon and bring me back to life after I died. It turned out that he was a cold dragon, and the cold dragon already possessed unusual mysterious powers. Think about that."

Nian Wen pointed out the window and said: "So, after the Han Jiao broke into the city yesterday and was killed, he must have gone to the ice area to negotiate with the Han Jiao in the clan, and wanted to warn them and not let them come ashore?"

Qi Rongyue nodded, "That's right, I thought so too, but he hasn't come back, and now the sea has suddenly risen, I guess something must have happened to him."

"They are of the same clan, will Han Jiao attack him?" Wan Kun asked.

Qi Rongyue said: "What about the same clan? If their clan knows the secret that he has an avatar and wants to get this secret, but Yun Tian refuses, what will be the consequence?"

Both Wan Kun and Nianwen's complexion changed drastically. Yuntian is their friend and saved their lives. Now that Yuntian is in trouble, how can they stand by and watch?
But that was in the sea, not on the shore, and the technique of attacking with fire would not work at all, so what should I do?
Read the text: "I'll go to the sea to have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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