Chapter 1839

Chapter 1861

Nianwen dived into the sea and headed against the rapids, and when she saw a huge shadow coming towards her, she hid behind the reef or coral to avoid being discovered.

Those huge shadows were actually big fish on the bottom of the sea, she didn't meet Han Jiao, not even one.

It's really strange, how come there is no Han Jiao?Could it be that the sudden explosion of sea water is not their fault?
Continuing to sneak, suddenly, she found strands of bloody red water in the sea, and further forward, it turned out to be the corpse of a cold dragon. The wound kept spilling out.

Going forward, there was another corpse of a cold dragon. The surrounding sea water was not as clear as other places. The mud and sand were mixed in the sea water, making it extremely turbid. It seemed that this place had just experienced a big battle.

Will it be cloudy sky?Was it Yuntian who killed these cold flood dragons?

She was anxious, and continued to sneak forward, walking through the turbid sea water. The turbid sea water is also beneficial, at least it played a concealed role.

Suddenly, a strong current rushed towards her, and she hurriedly found a dark corner of the reef to avoid it. Sure enough, two huge cold dragons swam past her, causing waves of water to turmoil.

She covered her mouth and nose, not allowing herself to make even the slightest sound.

A Dong suddenly stopped and looked around: "There seems to be a strange smell."

The Hanjiao next to Ah Dong sniffed, and clusters of air bubbles came out of its nostrils.

It shook its head: "No, there is no other smell except the smell of blood." As it said, its eyes looked at the Jiao corpse not far away.

A Dong sighed and said nothing more: "Let's go."

Two huge cold dragons left one after the other, and it took a long time before Nian Wen dared to let go of his nose.

She remembered what happened when she was in Funiu Mountain. At that time, she hadn't recovered her memory yet, her mind was just a child, and Yuntian was still cold at that time. It took her to Tangu, which was like another world. , the animals there were bigger than anything she had ever seen, much bigger.

At that time, her body was scratched and blood flowed out. The smell of blood on her body attracted many beasts. If Yun Tian didn't protect her desperately, she would have become the food of those beasts.

Yun Tian also told her later that her blood has a fatal attraction to beasts. He warned her more than once, never let herself get hurt, don't let her blood be exposed to wild beasts .

Fortunately, there is no wound on her body now, otherwise, the catastrophe just now would have been inevitable.

Heading towards the direction where the two cold dragons came, the water on the bottom of the sea became clearer and clearer, and the turbulent current gradually calmed down. She knew that the battle must be over, but what about Yuntian?where is he?Is he dead or alive?
She didn't know how long she had been soaking in the sea water, her body was so frozen that she could hardly swim anymore. Suddenly, a white spot in the distance hit her eyes. She had seen that familiar white spot countless times.

She swam forward quickly, the closer she got, the clearer she could see that it was Yun Tian, ​​it was really him.

He was tied to a rock, his white clothes were stained with blood, his handsome face was lifeless, his eyes were tightly closed, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Beside Yuntian, there were many cold dragons laying here and there in disorder. Those cold dragons also looked very bad, as if they were seriously injured or poisoned, in short, they were not normal.

(End of this chapter)

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