Chapter 1840

Chapter 1862

She didn't care so much, and quickly swam to Yun Tian's side. She wanted to open her mouth to speak, but she was not a cold dragon after all, her mouth was full of bubbles, and she couldn't make any normal sounds with Ben.

Pulling out the dagger on his body, he cut off the sea bath tied to Yuntian.

Feeling his pulse, fortunately, fortunately, he is still alive, as long as he is still alive, nothing will happen.

Just as she was about to take him away, she saw a cold dragon lying not far away looking at her with incredulous eyes, and made some noises to her, strangely, she understood it.

He asked who she was and where did she take Ashin?
She wanted to answer it, but when she opened her mouth, it was full of bubbles, and she couldn't make a sound at all.

The cold dragon spit out a huge bubble towards her, the bubble surrounded her and Yuntian, there was no sea water in the bubble, she could breathe and talk normally all day long.

"Are you Yuntian's father?"

Agu nodded weakly, "I am his father, who are you? Why can you breathe on the bottom of the sea like us? Are you also the incarnation of the cold dragon?"

Read the text and shook his head: "No, I am not the incarnation of Hanjiao, I am a human being, a real human being, and Yuntian is my friend. I saw the sea water soaring, and guessed that he must be in danger, so I went to rescue him back. Although I really want to take you away, I'm afraid I can't do it alone."

Agu was very surprised. She said she was Yuntian's friend. Knowing that Yuntian was the incarnation of Hanjiao, she still regarded Yuntian as her friend and was willing to take such a big risk for him. What's even more strange was that she She is a real human being, so why can she breathe freely underwater?Like fish and dragons?
Although there are many, many doubts, it knows that now is not the time to prove these, the most important thing is that Ashin is alive.

"Take him away quickly, don't worry about me, I can take care of myself, I must save him, I must save him!" Agu moved vigorously toward the reading text, but he couldn't move an inch. He wanted to touch his son's body again, but it couldn't.

Lianwen knew that the situation was urgent, no matter how much she wanted to say, now was not the time, she carried Yun Tian on her back, just like he carried her back in the past.

She carried him on her back and tied them together with seaweed so that they would not be washed away by the current halfway.

She swam desperately, desperately swimming towards the shore, and when she was about to reach the shore, a strong current rushed towards her.

She knew that the pursuers had arrived, so she took advantage of the current to get ashore.

It's a pity that after going ashore, he was surrounded by two cold dragons one behind the other.

Another even bigger Hanjiao jumped out of the water, and when its huge body landed, even the ground trembled.

"Stupid human beings, you still think of saving people at the bottom of the sea?" A Dong stared at the reading text coldly. This little girl is quite interesting. She was able to dive into the deep sea for so long, and she really brought A Xin out. .

Nianwen untied the seaweed that bound the two of them, and put Yuntian on the ground. When he leaned over, he secretly took out something from his bosom, stuffed it into Yuntian's palm, and then pulled his clothes to cover his hand. Stop, lest these cold dragons see it.

She stood up, looked up at the huge cold dragon, and said coldly: "You will never know how powerful human beings are, and you will never be able to truly rule the world, because human beings are stupid like you!" And cruel monsters can't be defeated."

(End of this chapter)

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