Chapter 187 The Only Incense

As soon as he entered the door, Si Yuan smiled and said: "Master, madam, Miss Qi is still alive, our young master is so happy, he drank the medicine in one gulp, and shouted to go back to Pengcheng!"

Mr. Yin's heart sank, secretly thinking how could Yixuan know?He also just got the news. In this Marquis Mansion of Wenchang, only he and his wife knew about it, and his wife has been with him all the time. It is impossible for him to pass this news to Yixuan's ears behind his back. Who leaked the news?
He glanced at his wife, Mrs. Yin understood, and immediately walked to her son's bed and sat down. Seeing his son's face improved a little, she was also happy in her heart, and asked, "How do you know that Rong Yue is still alive? Where did you hear that?" information?"

Yin Yixuan smiled and said: "It's Zhongwen, Rongyue fell down the cliff and deep valley, and was washed to a barren river beach by the river. It happened that Zhongwen and Sangui went there to play and met Rongyue floating in the water, so they rescued her. Now he has recovered, and he has returned to Pengcheng Rongyu Hall." Every time he thinks of the sufferings that Rong Yue has suffered, his heart feels like a needle prick, she is a weak girl, but she is always going through these things that even a man may not be able to bear To survive the ordeal.

When Yin Hongwei heard this, he sighed again in his heart, this is fate, so what if he imagined it perfectly?Not even half a penny.

The son still knows, this red line that has been cut off, is it necessary to reconnect it again?

Coming out of the Marquis Mansion of Wenchang, Zheng Zhongwen felt more and more heavy. He and Yixuan are close friends who have known each other for many years. If Yixuan knew what he was thinking at this time, what would he think of him?Can they still be friends?
Sangui saw the young master's troubles, felt that he was unnecessary, and really couldn't see it, so he said directly: "Young master, I think you may be thinking too much!"

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled and turned to look at him: "What are you overthinking?"

"You must be worrying now, brother and woman, how to choose, aren't you?"

Zheng Zhongwen raised his eyebrows, did not answer his words, but was waiting for his next words.

Sangui said again: "Miss Qi is indeed a very, very good girl, even a man would fall in love with her, but you are different from ordinary men, you are the son of the Marquis of Yongping, the only incense in the Marquis of Yongping's mansion, Do you think that the old Hou Ye and the Hou Ye will agree with you and Miss Qi? With Miss Qi's current status, can she become your concubine? If not, do you think that with Miss Qi's temperament, she will Are you wronged to be a concubine?"

Zheng Zhongwen was choked up by Sangui's repeated rhetorical questions. He never thought about it, because he never cared about it.

But if he didn't care, would his father, his grandfather, also not care?

His identity, since he was born, is doomed not to be able to decide his own destiny. Although these years, he has been fighting and using his own strength to fight for everything he wants, but these do not include his marriage.

When Hou's family gets married, being well-matched is the most important thing. He has always been aware of it, but he has just forgotten it on purpose.

Now, is it time to face it?
He raised his eyes, looked at the blue sky in the distance, and said word by word: "I will never compromise with fate. My marriage must be decided by myself."

Sangui shook his head, didn't say anything, but said in his heart: Idiots talking about dreams!

Up to the princes and grandchildren, down to the Houmen clan, marriage has always been determined by the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker. It has never been heard that it is decided by oneself, unless this person has no parents or relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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