Chapter 188 Leave
This is the price you have to pay for being born in the nobility and enjoying the wealth that ordinary people can't enjoy.

Zheng Zhongwen is like this, and Yin Yixuan is like this.

But Zheng Zhongwen has never been a person who accepts his fate, he was not in the past, and he will not be in the future.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, this year can be said to be the worst year the Qi family has ever experienced. Years ago, their daughter was defiled, and the whole family was in the shadows. In the future, he finally woke up today, but after waking up, he didn't even recognize his parents and relatives, and behaved like a madman.

Qi Yongchun turned around angrily and left the Qi Mansion, went to live in the Xianggui in the outer room, out of sight and out of mind.

Mrs. Liang was about to go blind from crying, but the old lady just felt sorry for the money she spent, thinking that she shouldn't go to Rongyu Hall, not to mention spending 2000 taels of silver, and getting it back for a fool. What is the idiot doing here?It's better to just die and forget about it once and for all, so that the Qi family will not be laughed at in the future.

Sitting paralyzed in Qi Chenghao's room, Liang looked at her son's crazy and foolish appearance, and Qi Rongyue's words kept ringing in her ears, "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself, sow evil causes, and reap evil consequences. All retribution should be on her children.

It's all her fault?The son and daughter became what they are today because of her?

Now even the master refuses to look at her again, and went directly to the vixen's residence outside. Is she the wife of the magistrate, is she going to end up like this?
No, it's not her fault, it's Qi Rongyue, if it wasn't for her, how could she be in the misery she is today?

If Qi Rongyue could have died earlier, everything that happened in the Qi Mansion would not have happened and it was all her fault, why didn't she die earlier?How could she not die?



On the eighth day of the lunar new year, Rongyu Hall.

"Miss, what are you talking about? Are we leaving?" Xue'er put down the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in her hand, looked at the young lady's delicate and beautiful face, and said in surprise.

Qi Rongyue nodded: "Yes, we have to go, leave Pengcheng!" She closed the brocade box full of banknotes, and said: "Deposit all these banknotes in HSBC Bank in a while, and take them out when we get there. It’s not convenient or safe to carry around.”

Xue'er hurriedly asked: "Miss, where shall we go?"

Qi Rongyue turned her head and looked at the half-open window. Outside the window was a street full of people. Jincheng must be more prosperous than here!

"Jincheng, let's go to Jincheng!" She is going to drive Rongyu Hall to Jincheng. This is an important step before she goes to Kyoto. She must walk carefully, carefully and cautiously.

Xue'er has never been to places other than Pengcheng and Wuyuan, and she doesn't know much, but she has also heard of Jincheng, which is very prosperous, and she yearns for it in her heart.

But in this Rongyu Hall, she just lived out the feeling of being at home, and she just got used to this kind of life, and she felt very reluctant in her heart.

"Miss, what about our Rongyu Hall?" Xue'er asked.

Qi Rongyue smiled and said, "From now on, the Rongyu Hall will be handed over to Haizi and Xiaoling to take care of it, and only sell medicine!"

"Only selling medicine?" Xue'er was surprised, Rongyu Hall didn't even have a sitting doctor, how could it sell medicine?What should I do if I eat a dead person?
Qi Rongyue said again: "Yes, only selling medicine, Haizi and the others are already able to make medicine by themselves, as long as they strictly follow my prescription to make medicine, there will be no mistakes, and Haizi and the others also know what kind of medicine to use for any disease, all of these are Don't worry, Rong Yu Tang is already a household name in Pengcheng, my goal has been achieved, it's useless to stay any longer, I can't waste any more time!"

(End of this chapter)

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