Chapter 189 Jincheng
Xue'er was puzzled, the young lady seemed to be in a hurry, anxious to do something.

But Miss, she didn't seem to want to say more, so she didn't want to ask too much. In short, no matter where Miss went, she would stay by Miss's side and never leave.

On the tenth day of the lunar new year, Qi Rongyue explained everything she had to explain. Looking at Haizi Xiaoling's red eyes, she smiled and said, "Rongyu Hall will be handed over to you from now on. I hope that when I come back, The reputation of Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng is even louder than it is today."

Haizi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and solemnly said: "I will definitely, Haizi will definitely not disappoint Miss!"

Qi Rongyue nodded, and said to Haizi, "Young Master Zhou is my righteous brother, please take care of Mr. Zhou and his mother for me. Rong Yutang will fund his future exams and living needs. Don't be negligent!"

Haizi also respects Zhou An very much. Although he is full of poems and books, he is different from ordinary scholars. He is not arrogant, easy-going, and filial to his mother. He is a role model for all the staff in Rongyu Hall.

"Haizi would like to obey Miss's orders!"

Qi Rongyue glanced around and asked, "Where's Xueer?"

Xiaoling hurriedly said: "Miss, Xue'er is going to say goodbye to Mr. Zhou!"

She went to say goodbye to Mr. Zhou?I haven't seen her get very close to Mr. Zhou on weekdays. On the contrary, she has a good relationship with Xiaoling and Xiaodang. Why do you want to say goodbye to Zhou An?
After a while, Xue'er came out from the backyard with red eyes, looking lonely.

Qi Rongyue didn't ask anything, just said softly: "Let's go, it's getting late!"

Xue'er nodded, her eyes were red, obviously she had just cried, she helped the young lady into the carriage, and finally looked back at her partners who had been with her for many days and had accumulated deep feelings: "Go in, don't be sad, Miss and I will be back, I'm not here, you don't want to be lazy!" She forced a joke, her eyes involuntarily fell behind the crowd, there was still no one there, Mr. Zhou didn't come out, and he didn't even say goodbye. Are you as stingy?

The carriage left slowly, and a corner of Tsing Yi appeared under the window on the second floor of Rongyu Hall, staring at the carriage with bright eyes, without blinking for a moment.

Her departure was both within his expectation and beyond his expectation. He knew that she would leave sooner or later, but he didn't expect that it would be so early that he couldn't even wait for the Lantern Festival?

He originally planned to invite her to watch the lanterns on the day of the Lantern Festival. Under the lanterns all over the street, he would blatantly look at her beautiful face, instead of peeking at her back and profile once or twice a day.

It doesn't matter if she leaves, Pengcheng is a place of right and wrong for her, maybe one day, she will encounter unexpected disasters, leave here, go to other places, start her life again, and live a peaceful and comfortable life.

And he will find her one day, in another identity.



"Miss, Jincheng is ahead!" Xue'er put down the car curtain, and shouted excitedly to Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue's closed eyes slowly opened, the eyes were bright and brilliant, are you here yet?Arriving so soon!

Xue'er smiled and said: "Miss, have you heard of King Jin?"

Qi Rongyue closed her eyes again: "I've heard of it, why?"

Xue Er clasped her hands together, made a look of nympho, smiled and said: "I heard that King Jin was born very handsome, with a refined bearing, both civil and military skills, and most importantly, he is very young, I heard that he is only 25 years old!"

(End of this chapter)

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