Chapter 197 Pansy Plum

Shopkeeper Fan obviously knew the person who came, he quickly walked towards the person, and said with a smile on his face: "You are here, King Jin, please come inside!"

Her eyes were still on him, not for a moment, the hatred in her eyes was surging, and she almost couldn't hold back her emotions.

At this time, King Jin's eyes also fell on her. It is common for women to pay attention to him. He has long been used to it and never cared about it. It's not the same as it used to be.

But after all, he is the King of Jin, and due to his status, even if he has doubts in his heart, he will not easily talk to a girl he has never met.

He strode into Wanwutang without looking at her again, his figure was as handsome as ever.

He didn't recognize her, of course he didn't recognize her, she wasn't her anymore.

"Miss, what's the matter with you?" Others might think that Miss was dumbfounded when she saw the handsome and extraordinary King Jin, but she knew that Miss was not such a person, and Miss Yin who looked as good as King Jin did not have much. Taking a look, what's more, she was standing next to the young lady, and she could feel that the young lady's aura was different from the past.

Qi Rongyue took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "I'm fine, let's go!" Today's gaffe is only allowed once, only once.

King Jin sat down in the hall, looked sideways, and saw that the girl's slender figure had disappeared, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Who was that girl just now?"

Shopkeeper Fan hurriedly said: "Oh, you are talking about Ms. Qi, right? She is a doctor from Pengcheng, and she is going to open a medical clinic on Renhe Street. Today, she is here to buy a shop."

King Jin let out a sigh, and didn't continue to ask further questions. Instead, he said: "Is the house that the king wants ready?"

Shopkeeper Fan hurriedly said: "It's done, it's done, I'm waiting for you to collect the house!"

King Jin nodded: "Okay, let's go now!"

"Ah? Now?" Shopkeeper Fan felt anxious when he thought that Mr. Wan's prescription had not yet been arranged.

King Jin raised his eyebrows: "What? Is it inconvenient now?"

Shopkeeper Fan hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, it's convenient, then go now!" After all, he is King Jin, and even Wan Wutang would not dare to offend him.

King Jin nodded, and asked again: "How is Mr. Wan's illness?"

Shopkeeper Fan said with a smile: "I have found a good doctor, and I have improved a bit. Thank you, my lord, for your concern!"

King Jin hummed, turned around and walked out of Wanwu Hall. Shopkeeper Fan naturally followed closely behind, not daring to delay.

North of Jincheng, Plum Blossom Lane.

Plum Blossom Lane is an old street. There is a plum tree planted on the street. Different from ordinary plum trees, this plum tree is tall and tall. It feels like a real plum tree.

Ordinary plum trees only bloom one kind of plum blossoms, but this plum tree has three kinds of plum blossoms. Because of its uniqueness, many people in the city come to enjoy the flowers under the tree every year when the plum blossoms bloom, or Ask the servants to fold a few branches and take them back, hence the name Plum Blossom Nong.

The house that King Jin wanted was an old house next to this plum tree.

The old house is very old, and it is also the owner who planted this plum blossom tree. The owner’s family made a fortune several generations ago and bought another residence. I have never been willing to sell the house, I would rather just leave it so dilapidated and empty.

(End of this chapter)

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