Chapter 198

Shopkeeper Fan took a lot of effort to help King Jin get this house. He didn't understand that King Jin was in charge of a rich city, and he was about to marry Princess Tianxin, the only daughter of the regent king, and the Princess Mansion in the south of the city had already started construction. Why did he buy such a house? Not to mention the dilapidation, it is located in the oldest street in Jincheng. Except for the plum blossom season, there will be people walking around to enjoy the plum blossoms. It is obviously unrealistic for the poor people at the end of the country to live there with the status of King Jin, so what is the use of buying it?
The plum tree is full of buds, waiting for the coldest day of this winter to bloom in the extreme cold.

He stood under the tree, raised his head slightly, and looked at the plum blossom buds of that tree, like the shy face of a young girl, so beautiful that one couldn't take his eyes off it.

The faint plum fragrance permeated his nostrils, instantly evoking those indelible memories.

He closed his eyes, as if returning to the past, back to the time when everything was not out of control.

He thought he could control everything, everything.

Unexpectedly, it was his heart that lost control first. He could not control himself to fall in love with her, nor could he control himself who had already embarked on the road of revenge.

He thought that as long as she stayed away from the capital and the palace, this royal killing would not affect her, but it is not as good as the sky. All the efforts he has put in these years will be shattered overnight. He has not tasted The joy of getting revenge, only tasted the pain of losing a loved one.

Here, when she got engaged to him three years ago, he promised to bring her to see the three-color plum.

"My lord, my lord?" Shopkeeper Fan looked at the sad King Jin and called out in a low voice.

King Jin regained his senses, quickly suppressed the sadness, and said in a deep voice: "Well, it's done well, you guys go back first, I want to see it again!"

Shopkeeper Fan had this intention. He was worried about Mr. Wan's illness, and he just wanted to arrange for the prescriptions in his arms to be prepared quickly, especially the golden dragon fruit, which had to be obtained as soon as possible.

After Shopkeeper Fan left, King Jin's entourage came forward and whispered to King Jin: "My lord, Princess Tianxin is coming to Jincheng tomorrow. At this juncture, you must not let her notice anything strange."

When Siping mentioned the word "Princess Tianxin", his stretched brows suddenly frowned, and disgust appeared in his eyes.

He didn't say anything, and took one last look at the tree bud, and said softly: "From today, send people to surround this place, and don't let people come close."

Siping should be, he turned and left, returning to his usual indifference.

Seeing the desolation in King Jin's unrestrained pace, Siping sighed silently. Heroes since ancient times have all been saddened by beauty!
The next morning, Qi Rongyue came to Wanwutang as scheduled, first went to the back hall to perform acupuncture for Mr. Wan, and then drove to Renhe Street together with Shopkeeper Fan.

The people on Renhe Street are deserted, but this does not mean that the business of these medical clinics and pharmacies on the street is not good. In the huge Jincheng, all the famous medical clinics are concentrated in Renhe Street. Those who can open medical clinics here, They are all well-known old doctors in Jincheng. In addition, the Renhe Medicine Hall opened by Jin Baye is the largest medicine hall in Jincheng. Rich families like to come to Renhe Medicine Hall to get medicine.

People from rich families always come in horse-drawn carriages to collect medicines. There are few pedestrians on the clean and tidy streets, but horse-drawn carriages come and go from time to time.

Shopkeeper Fan brought Qi Rongyue to a shop with a closed door, and introduced her to the situation inside the shop, because now the shop is owned by Jin Baye, and he doesn't have a key, so he can't take her in and have a look, so he can only rely on himself. I will introduce to her the impression I got when I bought this shop before.

(End of this chapter)

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