Chapter 234 Guli Tuoqi
Qi Rongyue glanced at the rouge shop again, and said softly: "I'm curious, what are these people who follow me trying to do!"

Zheng Zhongwen knew that he couldn't convince her, so he could only sigh: "Then now, what are you going to do?"

Qi Rongyue said: "I have been in for so long and haven't come out, they must be waiting very anxiously, so after a while, someone will definitely go into the rouge shop to check, and at that time, they will find that they have lost someone, and they will definitely go back Come back, let's track them down again, and we will naturally find the instigator behind these people."

As long as the instigator behind the scenes is found, the case is not far from being solved.

It's just that what Zheng Zhongwen didn't expect at all was that these people went to Shanfu.

"Could it be Master Shan who sent someone to follow you? Why did he do this? Are you worried that we won't be able to solve the case? But if that's the case, shouldn't they follow me? Why you?"

Qi Rongyue shook her head: "It may not be Mr. Shan, this Shan mansion is so luxurious, there must be more masters than Mr. Shan and his wife, there must be other masters."

The two of them, one is the royal princess, and the other is the son of the Hou family. They have long been accustomed to the filth and insidiousness in this deep house, and they can guess the general idea after a while.

Zheng Zhongwen thought about it, so he said to Qi Rongyue: "Okay, I will deal with this matter, I will send you and Xue'er back now, don't go out of Rongyu Hall for a few days, and I won't come to you, wait This case is over, I'll buy you a drink."

She pursed her lips and smiled, and said softly: "You don't need to drink, we are friends, and we should help each other. You don't need to thank me. Besides, if such a villain can't be brought to justice, he will surely die in the future." If I harm others again, I will help myself and cut off any danger for myself."

Zheng Zhongwen seemed to have expected that she would reject his invitation, and there was no look of loss on his face. He would be surprised if she readily agreed.

"Let's not talk about that, let's go, get in the car!" Zheng Zhongwen said with a smile.

Returning to Rongyu Hall, he didn't turn his horse's head around until he saw her and Xue'er entering the hall, and went back to the magistrate's yamen.

Although he suspected that there was something wrong with the Shan family, he didn't have any evidence after all, so he couldn't act rashly. Once he threatened the snake, he might force the murderer to jump over the wall in a hurry, and then kill anyone who is beneficial to solve the case.

The only thing to do now is to wait for good news from Mr. Jin Baye.

Zheng Zhongwen secretly sent someone disguised as a peddler to guard at each door of the Shanfu, watching everyone who came out of the Shanfu to see if there were any strange people coming in and out.

After two days of guarding, he really managed to achieve something. An officer came to report that he saw a man with a very strange dress entering the Shanfu. He didn't look like a local. He came out again after an hour. After entering the brothel, he entered the brothel in broad daylight, and the gatekeeper let him in without even asking, obviously he had been living in the brothel all the time.

"Keep an eye on him, be careful, don't expose your identity, and don't startle the snake!" Zheng Zhongwen ordered the guard.

On the third day, Jin Baye sent his men to the magistrate's yamen and sent a letter to Zheng Zhongwen. The letter detailed the trading place of Hedinghong in Jincheng in the past month, the people who handled it, and even the transaction volume. Chu.

He checked the long list of names one by one, and finally found a strange name at the end of the list, Guli Tuoqi.

(End of this chapter)

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