Chapter 235 Hard evidence
This kind of surname has never been heard in the Chu Dynasty. It should not be from the Chu Dynasty. If it is not from the Chu Dynasty, where could it be?What is he doing in Jincheng?What do you do when you buy Hedinghong?
Zheng Zhongwen immediately sent someone to secretly investigate this Guli Tuoqi. Unexpectedly, this Guli Tuoqi came to Jincheng half a month ago. The strangely dressed man I saw while squatting outside.

It seems that this person has a huge suspicion. He immediately stared at Guli Tuoqi, turned around and went to Shan Mansion to investigate the situation in the mansion, but he did not expect that this investigation would find out a warrant The clue to his surprise was that Mr. Shan had a concubine. Over the years, relying on his youth and beauty and being favored by Mr. Shan, he almost walked sideways in the mansion. The relationship with Miss Shan was very tense. Miss Shan even tried to stand up for her mother. , confronted her tit-for-tat, and this concubine was also a ruthless person. In order to harm Miss Shan and make Master Shan love her more, he even blamed Miss Shan and pushed her into the water. As a result, Master Shan happened to have something to do in the back garden that day. I saw that it was she who jumped into the water——however, it was already early winter, and even though she was rescued ashore by the servants in time, she was injured because of this, and the newly conceived child disappeared like this, even herself Children who don't know.

Since then, she has fallen out of favor in the Shan Mansion, and Master Shan no longer spoils her as he used to. After all, there is only one daughter, but women can have many.

What surprised Zheng Zhongwen the most was that this aunt of Shanfu, also surnamed Gu Li, was named Gu Li Tuo Wa, a native of Beiming Kingdom, who fled to Chu Dynasty three years ago and unfortunately fell into prostitution. It was Master Shan who took her from the brothel. He brought her back to the Shan Mansion, raised her as an aunt, and gave her glory and wealth.

One is Guli Tuoqi and the other is Guli Tuowa. There will be no such coincidence in the world.

But after he searched for people to check, it was confirmed that Bi Luo was indeed a poison unique to Beiming Kingdom.

When the case was found here, he felt that the net could be collected, so he immediately ordered someone to arrest Guli Tuoqi, and at the same time summoned Mrs. Guli in Shanfu.

When Zheng Zhongwen sent someone to Shan's mansion to summon Mrs. Gu Li, Mr. Shan also seemed to realize something. He stood at the door, watching the woman he once loved in every possible way being taken away by the officials, and the regret on his face almost overwhelmed him If it wasn't for his flirtatious and capriciousness back then, he wanted to bring a prostitute of unknown origin into his house, his house would not have become what it is now, his only daughter just disappeared, all of them are gone.

At the beginning, Guli Tuoqi refused to confess, but when the guards found the rest of Biluo Zhu, there was also the record of him buying Hedinghong, and he kept going to Shanfu to find Guli Tuowa. When the testimonies asking for money were put in front of him one by one, he knew that he couldn't escape, so he let go and confessed the matter exactly.

Gulituowa is his younger sister. Three months ago, he received a letter from his younger sister in Beiming State, asking him to come to Chu Dynasty, saying that he would bring him to enjoy the blessings. After he came, his younger sister asked her to kill Shan Miss, no matter what method he uses, and promises to give him 1 taels of silver after the matter is completed, he is so obsessed——.

When Mrs. Shan learned that Gulituowa was the mastermind who killed her daughter, she immediately got up from the hospital bed and came to the magistrate's yamen supported by the anger and resentment in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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