Chapter 236 Stroke
The dungeon is dark and damp, with a pungent smell, cockroaches walking along the walls, and even mice jumping around, but Mrs. Shan, who has always been pampered and pampered, doesn't care at all. She just wants to ask Gulitova why It's not enough to be so cruel, to hurt her again and again, and now even her only daughter--

The yamen servant opened the door of the cell and told her to hurry up, and he went outside to guard.

Mrs. Shan walked into the stinking prison cell, and saw the formerly invincible woman huddled in the corner, staring at her with terrified eyes.

"Are you afraid? Are you afraid now? When you murdered my daughter, did you ever think that this day would come?" She walked towards Gulituowa step by step, and took out a short knife from her sleeve. The prison was dark, but the sharp blade was There was a faint edge shining in the darkness.

"What are you doing? What are you going to do?" Gulitova stood up from the corner in horror, and quickly avoided Mrs. Shan.

"You killed my daughter, do you still want to live in this world? Killing someone to pay for life is a matter of course, do you still feel wronged?" She held back all her energy and stabbed Gu Lituo fiercely with the dagger Baby, but she is old after all, Gulituowa is only in her early twenties, she is light and strong, she avoided her assassination very lightly, and then screamed for help to the yamen servants outside.

The yamen servant rushed back quickly, saw this, immediately snatched the dagger from Mrs. Shan's hand, and said angrily: "Ms. Shan, this is a serious crime. If you just kill me like this, how can I explain to you? I am kind." It's a convenience for you, but you make it difficult for me like this." The yamen servant was very dangerous, if this Gulituowa died in the hands of Mrs. Shan for no reason, he would definitely lose his job.

Mrs. Shan failed to avenge her daughter with her own hands, and she was so angry that she didn't come up and passed out. The two maids who accompanied her were so frightened that they hurriedly helped Mrs. Shan back.

The two maids supported Mrs. Shan who passed out and met Zheng Zhongwen just after she got out of the prison. After Zheng Zhongwen asked the reason, he immediately took Mrs. Shan and one girl to Rongyu Hall, and the other girl reported back to Shan's mansion.

He was thinking about finding an opportunity to go to Rongyu Hall to report the good news, but he didn't expect that there would be a wonderful opportunity so soon.

Rongyu hall is very deserted, there is not a single doctor, Qi Rongyue is sitting under the window basking in the sun and reading a book, Xueer is watering the freshly planted flower seeds, and the guys in the store also look lazy, look The business coming to Rongyu Hall is not satisfactory!

Zheng Zhongwen carried Mrs. Shan into the hall, and said to Qi Rongyue who was reading a book: "Rongyue, come and help!"

Qi Rongyue turned her head and saw Zheng Zhongwen rushing into the hall with a woman in her arms. The woman's hands were hanging limply, as if she had passed out.

She hurriedly put down the book, and said to Zheng Zhongwen, "Come with me." She walked quickly to the clinic, opened the door, and there was a simple wooden bed inside. The furnishings were almost the same as those of the Rongyu Hall in Pengcheng, but much more spacious. The windows are also larger and appear very bright.

Zheng Zhongwen put Mrs. Shan on the bed, and said: "This is Mrs. Shan. I just went to the government office to meet the murderer who killed her daughter. I was so angry for a while."

She nodded and said softly, "Got it, you go out first."

Zheng Zhongwen was puzzled: "Why?"

She looked sideways at him and said with a smile: "I want to give her an injection and take off her clothes, it's inconvenient for you to stay!"

(End of this chapter)

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