Chapter 243

"The two of you hold your wife down, don't let her move around, I'm going to start giving acupuncture, and no interruptions are allowed in the process of giving acupuncture, so, do what you should do, don't burden me, this It will directly affect the treatment effect!"

The two maids served Mrs. Shan on weekdays. Mrs. Shan was generous and treated them very well. They were wholeheartedly grateful. When they saw Mrs. fell ill, they were equally anxious. After listening to Ms. Qi's words, they naturally knew how powerful they were and should do their best. full strength.

They held down the wife who was writhing constantly, trying to struggle to get up, and made her unable to move. At this moment, Qi Rongyue pierced one by one silver needles into the acupuncture points all over her body. The speed of her hands made the two girls feel uncomfortable. Dazzling, they knew for the first time that the doctor could perform acupuncture so quickly, as if the acupuncture points were in Miss Qi's eyes, they didn't need to look for them at all, and they could stab them right with their eyes closed.

Nine needles on the limbs, waist, abdomen, head and neck, all on the key acupoints, to stimulate her blood to run faster, break through the stagnant meridians, and relieve her paralysis.

After all the silver needles were pierced, Mrs. Shan's excited mood gradually calmed down, and she fell asleep after a while.

Qi Rongyue said: "You two let go, she is already asleep and won't move around anymore."

The two maids were also sweating profusely, needless to say, just looking at Madam's appearance caused them a great burden in their hearts. Madam was anxious and they were also anxious, Madam was uncomfortable, and they were also uncomfortable. On the contrary, it was worse than the acupuncture Qi Rongyue still has to work hard.

"When will Madam wake up?" the girl asked.

Qi Rongyue said: "Take out the needle in half an hour, and you will wake up after pulling out the needle. You stay on guard first, and I will prepare the medicine." Mrs. Shan's illness is quite special, and the general medicine has little effect, so she has to take her self-made medicine In order to stabilize the condition as soon as possible.

After Qi Rongyue went to the medicine cabinet, Xueer still stayed in the clinic, staring at Mrs. Shan and the two maids. When the young lady was away, she was the young lady's eyes, and she couldn't let the young lady's patients have any problems. But it will affect the reputation of Rongyu Hall.

Qi Rongyue prepared the medicine and wrote down the instructions on how to take it. Seeing that it was almost time, she returned to the consultation room.

"How is it?" She asked Xue'er.

Xue'er said: "I slept very peacefully, I was snoring just now."

Qi Rongyue nodded and sighed softly: "It seems that Mrs. Shan hasn't slept well for a long time."

A girl answered: "That's right, since Miss's accident, Madam has been crying all day long, can't eat, can't sleep at night, and clamors every day to go with Miss and refuses to live anymore. Let's see it as servants." , also--" She remembered how good the young lady was when she was alive, and the corners of her eyes became moist, and tears fell down.

Qi Rongyue patted the girl on the shoulder and said: "From now on, take good care of your wife, she is only in her thirties, she still has a chance to have another one, the deceased is gone, mourning for the living, so that the deceased can rest in peace. "

The girl shook her head and said in a low voice: "Where is there any chance? If you can give birth, why would you wait until now?"

Qi Rongyue said: "I've seen your wife's body, she's fine, as long as she goes back to take care of herself this time, when her body is back to normal, it's not a big problem to have a baby."

The girl glanced at the closed door, and lowered her voice again: "It's not that my wife can't conceive, it's the master. The master was injured a few years ago. At that time, some doctors asserted that the master would not be able to have children anymore, so he alone Although the family has a big business, there is only one child, Miss."

(End of this chapter)

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