Chapter 244
Qi Rongyue raised her eyebrows: "But how did I hear that Aunt Gu Li was also pregnant with a child?"

The girl bit her lip, she shouldn't talk about this kind of thing, but she has already said so much before, she doesn't seem to care about a few words, not to mention, the words that have been held in her heart all these years have come to her lips I want to swallow it again, but it's not that easy.

The girl said mysteriously: "This is also the reason why the master left Aunt Guli in the cold afterwards. It is impossible for the master's body to allow her to conceive a child, but she did, so the master suspects that she stole someone behind the scenes, but again In order to save face, I didn't reveal this matter, but just ignored her and let her fend for herself in the backyard."

"But who knows, this woman's heart is too poisonous, and she blamed all these faults on the young lady. Poor young lady—"

The girl was about to cry while talking, Qi Rongyue hurriedly said: "Okay, don't be sad anymore, the days are still long, don't always make such sad faces in front of Mrs. Shan, let alone mention These things in the past, so as not to stimulate her emotions, will not be conducive to her recovery in the future."

The two girls hurriedly wiped away the teardrops from the corners of their eyes, nodding their heads in agreement.

Seeing that it was almost time, Qi Rongyue began to withdraw the needles. There were nine needles in each of the nine key points. When all the ninety-nine and 81 needles were removed, Mrs. Shan really woke up as Qi Rongyue said, and opened her eyes. Looking at the few people in front of him with a pair of confused eyes, the corners of his mouth no longer drooled, and his facial expression became more natural.

"Madam, you finally woke up, do you still know me? I'm Xiaolu!"

The girl moved closer to Mrs. Shan, smiled at Mrs. Shan with red eyes.

Mrs. Shan opened her mouth and made a hoarse and dry voice: "Water—"

Xiaohong at the side hurriedly took a teacup from the desk and poured half a bowl of warm tea for Madam, while Xiaolu helped Madam sit up, and after drinking the tea, Madam Shan's voice became much more normal.

"Where is this place? Why am I here? Where is that bitch Gulitova? Is she dead?" Mrs. Shan tightly grasped Xiaolu's hand, her eyes widened, and her pale face quickly turned red.

Qi Rongyue secretly screamed that it was not good, and hurriedly stepped forward to knock Madam Shan unconscious with a knife in her hand. If she is not allowed to faint again, depending on how excited she is now, all the efforts she has made before will be in vain in a short while. .

Seeing Xiaolu looking at her in surprise, Qi Rongyue said softly, "She can't get excited now, if she can't let her rest quietly, if she continues to be excited like this, she will have another stroke."

Suddenly, Xiaolu thanked Qi Rongyue, "Thank you Miss Qi, then, what should we do now?"

Qi Rongyue glanced at Mrs. Shan, and said, "I've done everything I can. Go back and recuperate, take medicine on time, and don't let her be stimulated. Sometimes, if you should lie to her, just lie to her and let her go first." Let’s talk about recovering from illness.”

Xiaolu is a smart girl, once she heard what Ms. Qi said, she knew what it meant, she nodded immediately: "I see, thank you Ms. Qi for pointing it out, I'll go and talk to the master right now."

Xiaolu relayed Miss Qi's words to Master Shan, and Master Shan immediately understood, and immediately went into the clinic, and solemnly thanked Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue waved his hand: "You don't need to thank me. It's not that I don't charge money for treating patients. Go to the counter and pay the bill. I've already prepared the medicine. It's at the counter. After paying the bill, the guy will give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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