Chapter 277 Broken Chest
The child lost a lot of blood, and his breathing was not yet fully unblocked. It could be said that his life was on the line. The passage of every breath was a contest between life and time.

The child's abdomen is distended, which proves that the lungs are blocked by air, and the accumulated air and fluid in the lungs must be cleaned up for him as soon as possible.

Back then in Laiwu Mountain, she had witnessed the master treating a man from the Jianghu who had been stabbed in the chest. The master said that the position of the sword was very close to the heart, and that if the sword edge was deflected by an inch, the man would surely die, that is, this inch. Let him survive with a sigh of relief, and was lucky to be sent to Laiwu Mountain.

The condition of that person at that time was very similar to that of the child in front of him. The lungs were injured, and there was a large amount of gas and fluid accumulation. The injury of that person was even more severe than that of the child in front of him.

But the man still survived, and under the treatment of his master, he survived.

Whether the child in front of him will have the luck of that person is still unknown.

When the master healed that person, she was just 15 years old. Not long after entering Laiwu Mountain, she was just getting started with medical skills. She could only stand next to the master to watch, and had no chance to do it. The child in front of her would be her to treat this kind of injury. first case.

She doesn't know if she can succeed, but she wants to try. If she doesn't try, the fresh life in front of her will surely die. If she tries, at least she will try her best and be ashamed of herself.

"Who has a dagger?" Qi Rongyue asked.

All the doctors shook their heads: "No, who goes out with a murder weapon!"

At this moment, Zheng Zhongwen, who had been standing in the corner, came out, and he handed a dagger inlaid with gemstones to Qi Rongyue: "Use mine!"

She looked up at him, didn't say much, took the dagger quickly, asked Xue'er to fetch a bowl of sprinkles, lit the sprinkles, roasted the dagger on the fire for a while, turned around and stabbed the sharp blade On the boy's chest, the original wound was cut and enlarged again.

This move of hers scared all the doctors back one after another, and they didn't even dare to look straight in the face.

What's more, he yelled loudly: "Killed, Miss Qi killed!"

Xue'er also turned pale with fright, but when she heard from Xun's family that the young lady had killed someone, she immediately became angry and said angrily: "Which eye did you see that my young lady killed someone? You are not capable of saving people yourself. Are you not allowed to save others? My young lady is very skilled in medicine, so naturally the methods of saving people are different, so don't yell if you don't understand!"

At this time, Qi Rongyue said to Xue'er: "Don't pay attention to them, come and fight."

Xue'er glared at the old man, and quickly moved to the young lady's side, handing things to the young lady.

Old Doctor Xu and Doctor Gu had seen Qi Rongyue's medical skills with their own eyes, so they would not miss this opportunity to learn and observe. After being frightened and dazed, they immediately moved forward again, carefully watching Qi Rongyue's every move.

Not to mention they have seen such amazing medical skills, they just never thought about it. It turned out that when the chest and abdomen were cut open with a knife, and the air was released and sucked in the internal organs, the human heart was still beating and there was no harm. influences.

"Prepare the needle and thread!" Qi Rongyue took out the last piece of gauze and instructed Xue'er.

Xue'er turned around, went to look for needles and threads in the medicine box, and suddenly stretched out a hand in front of Qi Rongyue, holding a handkerchief with that hand, and gently wiped off the thin sweat on her forehead.

She glanced sideways at his concerned face, then quickly looked away.

After receiving the needle from Xue'er, she immediately started to sew up the wound. She has done a lot of things like suturing the wound, and she is very skilled, and the wound was completely sewed up very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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