Chapter 278
"Xue'er, rub the surrounding area of ​​his wound with wine, and try to be as gentle as possible." She ordered.

Xue'er responded again and again, took a clean cotton gauze, dipped it in wine, and gently wiped the blood around the wound.

At this time, the old doctor Xu walked around to the other side and took the child's pulse. He found that the child's pulse was stronger than before Miss Qi opened his chest. Although he was still weak, he no longer had any worries about his life.

This proves that what Qi Rongyue did was right, if she hadn't done so, then this child might be a cold corpse now.

The other six doctors had long hid far away, some even went out and waited outside, as if they were getting close to Qi Rongyue, once the child died, they would have nothing to do with them.

Dr. Xu has been standing at the door, looking at them from time to time. At this moment, seeing old doctor Xu give the child a pulse, he hurriedly asked loudly, "Are you still alive?"

When Xueer heard this, she became angry again, turned to stare at Dr. Xu, and said sharply: "What are you talking about? He won't die even if you die!"

Doctor Xu, as the owner and doctor of the Hefeng Medical Center, is usually highly respected by others. Whenever he was insulted like this, he immediately became furious. He almost jumped up in anger. He pointed at Xue'er and said, "You girl, There is no sense of propriety in speaking, so it can be seen that his master may not be polite."

Xue'er immediately frowned: "You old man, keep your mouth clean. You can scold me, but you can't scold my lady." Xue'er widened her eyes, put her hands on her hips, and looked like a shrew ready to scold the street.

Dr. Xu's words clearly reached Zheng Zhongwen's ears, he was displeased, turned his eyes to Dr. Xu and Xue'er and said in a deep voice: "Okay, don't say a few words, how old are you? Still like a crazy boy, shameless?"

These words seemed to be addressed to both Xueer and Dr. Xu, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Mr. Zheng was addressing Miss Xueer, and it was clearly Dr. Xu who was scolding.

Dr. Xu blushed and was so angry that he really wanted to throw up his sleeves and leave, but he was a little unwilling. He hadn't witnessed with his own eyes whether the child was put to death by the girl surnamed Qi, so he couldn't leave now.

At this time, Old Doctor Xu said: "It's all right now, and the pulse condition has gradually stabilized, so it should be fine."

The doctors standing at the door were so shocked that their jaws almost dropped when they heard this, they all squeezed into the room with expressions of disbelief, surrounded the bed again, and each of them took the pulse of the child once, and got The results are the same.

The person whose breath was obviously too weak to be killed was miraculously survived after she sliced ​​open his chest with a dagger. What kind of medical technique is this?Or sorcery?
Seeing the surprised expressions on the faces of these doctors, Xue'er was very virtuous in her heart, and hummed to the doctor Xu: "What's the matter? Are you convinced?"

Dr. Xu didn't say a word, turned around, picked up his medicine box, and quickly left the government office. He didn't have the face to stay any longer. If he continued to stay, it would only add to the laughing stock.

The rest of the doctors secretly rejoiced that they didn't utter bad words like Doctor Xu just now, otherwise, their faces would not be so pretty now.

Everyone looked at Qi Rongyue's eyes, from suspicion and contempt at the beginning, to affirmation and even a bit of admiration now.

Zheng Zhongwen saw that Qi Rongyue's face was tired for a long time, but he still had to deal with the medical skills of these doctors with a forced smile, and couldn't help feeling distressed secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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