Chapter 279 Hypocrisy
He turned his head and gave Luo Ping a wink, Luo Ping understood, took two steps forward, and said to the doctors: "Everyone, since the injured are fine, please go back."

The doctors saw that they had issued an order to evict them, but they couldn't stay any longer, so they could only leave. Fortunately, Rongyu Hall is on Renhe Street, so it won't be too difficult for them to see each other in the future.

Seeing that everyone has left, Qi Rongyue also said: "Then I will go back first."

But Zheng Zhongwen said: "You can't leave yet, Mr. Wang will be here in a while, he may have something to ask you."

"Oh!" She nodded, turned around and walked to the table in the room to sit down, and poured herself a cup of warm tea. After working for so long and sweating so much, her mouth was already parched.

Even so, whether she was pouring tea or serving tea for a casual drink, she was still so elegant and noble, and her figure sitting on the stool was also straight, which reminded him of that night more than ten years ago again.

He was six years old that year, and went to the palace with his parents for a banquet. At the palace banquet, he saw the eldest princess for the first time. She was sitting beside the queen, wearing gorgeous palace attire, sitting upright with a small body, showing the royal family in all her gestures. Feng Yi's elegance reveals an innate nobility.

The Qi Rongyue in front of her seemed to be the eldest princess when she grew up.

He shook his head, no, they are not one person, they are two completely different people, and this kind of confusion cannot be reproduced.

Xue'er also leaned over to the table, poured herself a glass of water, and drank it in one gulp, her vulgarity reveals a refreshing cuteness, and Qi Rongyue's posture is like people from two worlds.

Zheng Zhongwen thought of the girls in Yongping Hou's mansion, although they are not as elegant as the real Miss Qianjin, they are definitely not so vulgar, not to mention that Xueer and her master have such a demeanor.

Zheng Zhongwen smiled and said: "Xue'er, you drink tea like a cow, why don't you learn from your young lady, she is not like a girl."

Xue'er rolled her big eyes, and said: "Miss said, I don't need to deliberately learn to do things I don't like or are not good at, as long as I can do whatever I want, and I don't have to live so hypocritically."

Zheng Zhongwen was taken aback, hypocrisy?In her eyes, these red tapes among nobles are actually very hypocritical?Yes, that's right, it's just hypocritical, and he always thought so.

It's just that she didn't expect that she thought the same as him.

Qi Rongyue glanced at Xue'er, and said: "Take a break, talk less, so as not to get thirsty again."

Xue'er stuck out her tongue, knowing what the young lady meant in her heart, so she should not let her talk more with Zheng Shizi, for fear that she would say something she shouldn't say if she talked too much.

At this time, the voice of the guard came from outside: "Master Wang is here!"

Zheng Zhongwen turned around, and just saw Mr. Wang hurried in. As soon as he entered the room, he went straight to the bed. Seeing that the child was unconscious, but still alive, he felt relieved a lot.

"When will this child wake up?" Lord Wang turned around and asked Qi Rongyue.

Qi Rongyue got up, walked in front of Mr. Wang, and said in a low voice: "I can't guarantee this, because he lost too much blood, his body is extremely weak, although he saved his life temporarily, it's really hard to say when he will wake up." .”

Lord Wang sighed, and said: "This matter is going to be difficult. The massacre has been reported to the capital. Just now, King Jin sent someone to send a message, ordering me to solve the case within five days. The real culprit must be arrested and brought to justice. Otherwise, I will be punished, but now, except for this child, we have no clues, what should we do!"

(End of this chapter)

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