Chapter 286
The gangster didn't notice for a while, his wrist hurt, his long sword fell off the carriage, he cursed angrily, and punched Zheng Zhongwen with one hand.

Not to be outdone, Zheng Zhongwen turned around and kicked, which happened to hit the unconscious half of the gangster's body.

The bandit's body suddenly bumped into the frame, causing a big crack in the originally strong frame. After all, the bandit was very skilled. With one hand, he immediately straightened his body and kicked Zheng Zhongwen. Zheng Zhongwen was dangerous. Dodging, the culprit's foot kicked the other side of the frame.

If half of the gangster's body hadn't lost consciousness, he would be able to perform a series of kicks now. Zheng Zhongwen would not have been able to escape in this cramped space so easily.

During the fierce fight between the two, the horse seemed to be frightened, and the car gradually veered off the official road and turned into a bumpy path.

At this time, Qi Rongyue's fast horse had already caught up with the carriage, and she saw that the carriage was shaking violently, and it was obvious that the carriage would be overturned soon.

She squeezed the horse's belly with both legs, and the golden needle in her hand stabbed the horse's hindquarters fiercely. The horse suffered from pain, and quickly accelerated its pace of running, and immediately chased to the side of the carriage. She saw Zhongwen fighting fiercely with the gangster. He hurriedly shouted: "Quick, jump over here."

Seeing her chasing up, Zheng Zhongwen was annoyed, why is this girl so unafraid of death, he risked his life to protect her, why she always rushed into this danger by herself.

At this time, the carriage hit a giant tree beside the path, and the pole connected to the rein was broken directly. The horse galloped away, and the carriage was completely out of control.

The gangster was thrown into the carriage by this force, and Zheng Zhongwen just grabbed the crossbar of the carriage. Seeing this opportunity, he suddenly jumped onto Qi Rongyue's horse.

At this moment, the gangster came back to his senses and saw Zheng Zhongwen out of danger. He was full of hatred and anger in his heart, and roared, "Even if I die, I want you to be buried with me." Then, he took out a dagger from his bosom, and put the dagger He threw it fiercely at Zheng Zhongwen's chest.

Zheng Zhongwen quickly reined in the reins, the horse lifted up and neighed, and the dagger hit the horse's lower neck.

The horse was injured and ran wildly in the forest, throwing Qi Rongyue who was sitting behind her off the horse. Seeing this, Zheng Zhongwen threw himself down and hugged her, and the two of them rolled down the hillside in the forest. Fell into a hidden ditch.

When the sky was bright, Qi Rongyue woke up, and she found that she was tightly hugged by Zheng Zhongwen, and Zheng Zhongwen had passed out.

Shocking wounds can be seen everywhere on his body, there are blood holes stabbed by swords, there are heavy bloody cuts scratched by thorns and branches, and his complexion is even paler, but even so, he never let go pass her.

The water in the ditch was very muddy, but fortunately it was not deep, otherwise they would have been drowned if they hadn't been thrown to their deaths.

Taking advantage of the buoyancy in the water, she dragged Zheng Zhongwen ashore, checked his wound, and then bandaged him briefly. Then, she looked around. It seemed that they had fallen into a depression, surrounded by mountains and forests. , I don't know when they will find her, no, she can't just wait like this.

Although it was spring, it was still very cold in this deep mountain.

She didn't dare to go far, fearing that a beast would come out suddenly and hurt Zhongwen, so she picked up some dry firewood nearby. Fortunately, she always had flint on her, otherwise, it would take a lot of effort to light the fire today.

(End of this chapter)

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