Chapter 287 Emotional
There was the rustling sound of her putting on and taking off her clothes. He closed his eyes, but he still seemed to see that graceful and delicate body. Although he was injured and felt that he shouldn't, he was a man after all, a normal man. When encountering such a situation, he naturally has the reaction that a normal man should have, and it is very strong.

No, he also needs to take a cold shower, otherwise——this soaring anger will not go down so easily.

After Qi Rongyue changed her clothes, she was about to tell him to turn around, but she saw him get up and walk towards the ditch where she just took a bath.

"What are you doing?"

He didn't turn around. She must not let her see his current appearance, otherwise she would definitely think him a hooligan.

"I stink, I need to take a shower."

Qi Rongyue hurriedly said: "No, you can't touch the wound on your body, the wound will deteriorate." Once the wound deteriorates, and there is no medicine, he will definitely have a fever at night, and she has no silver needles to use, it will be very painful. Danger.

Zheng Zhongwen glanced at the bandaged wound on his arm, and said, "It's okay, I will pay attention." After speaking, he went straight through the grass and splashed into the water.

Although Qi Rongyue was worried about his injury, there was nothing she could do about him, she couldn't go to the ditch to carry him ashore naked.

Although he was careful, when he returned to the campfire, the wound on his left arm was still soaked in water, and he frowned in pain.

She hastily untied the soaked cloth for him, and tore a new cloth to bind him up.

"If you don't listen to advice like this, if you have a fever and feel uncomfortable at night, don't blame me for ignoring you."

Zheng Zhongwen smiled slightly: "You will take care of me." He knew that she also had him in her heart, otherwise, how could she have taken such a big risk to chase after him on horseback? What she said to him before was simply against her will , Although he didn't know why, but he knew that she must have a reason for doing so.

She carefully bandaged his wound, her beautiful head was close at hand, so close that she could hear her breathing, and so close that she could clearly see her thick black and upturned eyelashes.

"You're so pretty!" he said suddenly.

She froze for a moment, then raised her eyes to look into his bright starry eyes, those dark pupils were full of her reflection.

She quickly lowered her head, quickly tied the cloth strip in her hand, and retreated from his side: "How many girls have you said this to?"

Zheng Zhongwen laughed and said, "One, just you!"

She shook her head: "I don't believe it! You are the majestic Yongping Hou Shizi, and all the noble ladies in the capital city have sharpened their heads and want to marry you, and you also—"

He interrupted her and said with a smile: "You are wrong, all the noble ladies in the capital avoid me like snakes and scorpions, no one wants to talk to me."

This is the truth, ever since he was rumored to have that Long Yang habit, those people who hinted before and after that they wanted to marry him all disappeared without a trace.

"How is this possible, you are the eldest son of the Marquis of Yongping!" Qi Rongyue was a little surprised, she believed that Zheng Zhongwen would not lie to her, but this is not in line with common sense.

Zheng Zhongwen shrugged: "What about the eldest son of the Yongping Hou Mansion? In your eyes, is there any difference from ordinary people?"

She didn't make a sound, thinking of what she said before, he was hurting her.

The two were silent for a while, in order to ease the embarrassment, she stood up and said, "I'll go get some food, you take a rest first."

Zheng Zhongwen hurriedly said: "I'll go, you rest."

(End of this chapter)

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